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Thread: Subterminal Tracking query

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  1. #1
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Subterminal Tracking query

    I want to play here and start an educational thread.
    Q#1. When do you think the tracking position actually takes effect? (secs?)
    Q#2. What do you think is the more efficient tracking position?
    Q#3. How and how soon should one in your opinion start tracking after exit?
    Q#4. When (secs) should one forego all thoughts of tracking in relation to Delay?
    thread back
    thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    forgotten couple o Q´s

    forgot one Q#
    Q#5. What clothing enhances the subtermtrack the best (No wing suits)?
    Q#6. """""" The Worst?
    thanks again,

  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    the one second track

    I start tracking in around a second, I launch head first, very seldom go headdown, and rock in subterminal tracking, boxman is passe´.
    other sub´s I know are Yuri, Bill Legg, Spiders...
    and Norge Chris &BJ.......nanny nanny nannn neeee!
    1 sec into a track, and I´m dressed for it.....

  4. #4

    RE: forgotten couple o Q´s


    I've got no clue.

    But could you answer these questions about clothing to help educate me?


    --Tom Aiello

  5. #5
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: forgotten couple o Q´s

    Hi Tom,
    in answer to your question for tracking clothing.
    Get some properly distributed drag on your legs and arms,
    Jeans sux,the leg straps pull the inseam and cuff up halfway to your knee, The drag from the arms and legs give you much more control and track efficiency possibilities, Hang a pair of sweatpants over your leg straps and you have the added surface area of the crotch (Genital wing) uninhibited by the leg straps, Max flat surface area presented to the windflow allows a lower sink rate and the possibility of focusing the windflow to your advantage (read Lift).
    Bell bottoms on the legs will only throw you head down without arm bell bottoms, Freefly suits are kinda okay, but they seem to be belled too much and the drag is a bit too much for my liking.
    Booties on the other hand can give you a nice push. Assuming you have the upper body drag and chest position to compensate to keep from going head low in your track. Conversely, too much drag on the upper body and not enough on the lower (jeans) makes you fight to get more head level and burns your efficiency big time,
    the worst case scenario would be to jump with more surface area ie drag on the upper body,
    then you have to sacrifice alt only to go straight down (no backslide) instead of going fwd.
    Make sense?
    ask me more when you wish,

  6. #6

    RE: Subterminal Tracking query

    Yo !

    You can notice the difference on a 3sec delay.
    Speaking of wingsuits, 6sec in a wingsuit takes
    you more than twice as far as without a suit.



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