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Thread: Tailgate incident

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Tailgate incident

    Recently I made a slider down jump, 3+ sec delay, 42" PC, medium wind to the back. After deployment I noted a slight hesitation before the otherwise normal opening. The hesitation puzzeled me as I was expecting a quite hard opening due to the delay. As I was walking past the object on my way back I see a tailgate badly bunged up on the ground. At first I thought somebody must have had a really bad experiance with that until I realized that that someone might be me. So I check my gear and find that my tailgate is missing and that the tailgate that I found infact is mine.
    I see this as a quite serious incident. The tailgate was shredded at the ends as if the rubber band or something else had cut into it. If you can imagine a taking a pair of wirecutters to the two ends of the tailgate(as you would cut wire) as it sits when you've use it , so there was some hevy power acting on the tailgate cutting it, not burning it. My best guess is that a line looped/wrapped around the ends of the tailgate, tightend on linestrech and snached/cut it from the power of openingshock. I can't imagin it possible that any rubberband in the world culd do that kind of damage before breaking, I would also expect some kind of burnt material if it was the rubberband that was involved. Has anybody had a similar experience or problem. I've heard of tailgate hangups but never wat causes them.

  2. #2
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Tailgate incident

    Please send the results to BR.
    and ask them for an analysis. and let us know...

  3. #3

    RE: Tailgate incident

    Are you by any chance a Swedish BASE jumper living in or near Uppsala ? ie Vedxya :-)


  4. #4

    RE: Tailgate incident

    Hi Linus,
    We've seen Tailgates hangup and Tailgates pulled off as a result of larksheading the rubberband to the Tailgate in an efort to avoiding loosing it (the rubberband that is).

    This is a bad practice. When you larkeshead the band in place it forces the trapped lines to stretch the rubberband off the tailgate vs. roll it off. This results in a less consistent and therefore less reliably functioning Tailgate. The faster you go the less effect this misrigging will have. I can't imagine how this would damage the Tailgate though. I agree w/ Tracy that you should contact BR. They may or may not have an answer but at least the incident can be recorded.

    Adam Filippino

    Consolidated Rigging, Inc.

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