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Thread: D lines and tailgate

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    D lines and tailgate

    Hey all, I was just packing, and I noticed that I had closed my tailgate with the center c and d lines, on top of the rest of my d lines. I use a 12 line tailgate config. Does that make sense? Should the free d lines be placed on top of the c lines that are closed in the tailgate? I really don't think I have checked that in the past. Is this a real screw up? What could happen in this configuration? Thank you for the help, I want to do it right. If this doesn't seem clear, I will try and clarify.

  2. #2

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-01 AT 10:01 AM (PST)[/font][p]Hi Rob:

    I'm not sure I'm visualizing this properly, but...

    If you close the tailgate, then lift it straight up, the lines should lift clear all the way to the risers. If there are other lines on top of them, that is a problem. This is because the other lines are now effectively also trapped in the tailgate.

    Does that help? Let me know if I didn't understand the problem properly.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    Thanks Tom, I sort of knew you would try and give a helpful response.

    I am not sure we are talking about the same thing, maybe we are.? When we pack, the line groups are stacked on top of each other, a-b-c-d-brakes. Now, if I just pull out the center d and c lines from this stack and put them in the tailgate with the brakes, didn't I just put the center c lines on top of the d lines? On inflation, if the tailgate lines are held in place for a bit, do the d lines have any trouble getting clear? In my visualisation (I am no rigger) it seems that the canopy fabric connected to the d lines is on top of the c line fabric, but the d lines would be held under the 2 c lines in the tailgate. Am I just confused? I seem to have lost some confidence in my packing. Does this make it any clearer? Thank you.

  4. #4

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    I always seem to have the D's on top of C's in the tail gate then steering lines on top of that.

  5. #5

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    It sounds as if Tom has you squared away, if not, try here:

    Basic Research

  6. #6

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    I think you ought to have the C lines (and fabric) on the bottom, then the D lines, then the steering lines.

    If the BR manual link Nick posted doesn't solve it, give me a call and hopefully we can talk through it.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #7

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    Okay Rob, let's break this down.
    1. Take control lines and tailgate friendly lines(inner rear riser lines), and walk these to canopy.
    2. Close these 12 lines inside inside tailgate(including line containing tailgate).

    This is the right procedure.

    Now, if you lift the tailpocket away to expose the D line attachments, you can see that the D lines not trapped in the tailgate run between the trapped C lines and the 4 control lines. Right? I agree this looks a little wierd. It's correct though. If you visualize the way the canopy will inflate, these lines will clear. You can see this by pulling the pack job apart after you close the tailgate. (you're going to mess up the pack job but you'll feel better seeing this.)

    It is crucial that no lines run between the trapped C and D lines. THEN they would be trapped inside the tailgate.

    Anyone disagree with this???---Dex

  8. #8

    RE: D lines and tailgate

    Is this correct??

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