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Thread: Stop the squabbling

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Stop the squabbling

    Yet again the base board is being used to sling mud at one another. If you want to go and fight the girls room is out back (no offence meant to the female base jumpers, you'd never go on like this). I'm referring to the uninformed and immature knee jerk reactions to the Murray posting. This happened with the Australians and Francois Liot and many others as well. I'm not saying that anyone was right or wrong in those instances but it seems like a lot of the people posting on this board are far too quick off the mark and don't seem to do any research into who they are slamming. Sure, some of the comments come from people with first hand experience of the incidents in question . However, a lot of the subsequent replies are from hysterical ill informed fools. Some day it may be you that someone starts to bad mouth and be it right or wrong I don't think that the board is here for people to settle personal vendetas. The board is a great way for base jumpers to find out facts. Leave the hearsay, rumours, jumped to conclusions, petty squabbles etc. in the playground where they belong. United we stand, divided we fall.

  2. #2

    families always fuss

    In case you haven't been around the base community for very long, we have always fussed at each other like this. We are a load of roudy, arrogant people and it is healthy for us to vent like this. When the time comes to stand together, we will.


  3. #3

    Families always fuss

    Hi Earl, you are right. However, it is time for us
    to collectively "vent" in the direction that will benefit the family.

    Wrongful persecution of this sport has gone on for to long.

    The time to stand together is "right now"!


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