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Thread: Do you ever stop and think....

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Do you ever stop and think....

    Have you ever stoped just to appreciate the things that we get to see? I mean, yeah the rush is cool, but do you ever just take a second to look around and think "wow, this sure is a cool view". The other day the clouds were at about 500' so we did a two way off a 1000' A. At the exit point we could probably only see 30'. As we fell the cloud started to thin out so we could see more and more of the kinda seemed to grow as we fell. Then the ground materialized. Not instantly, but it quickly came into focus. It was so amazing. So beautiful. :7 :7 :7

  2. #2

    RE: Do you ever stop and think....

    Doing biggwalls in Norway gives mee all and everything about enjoying the object and it's surroundings. Let's say it in another way, this picture is from my last jump :D

    I love this game :x

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