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Thread: Multi

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1


    Myself and a friend were recently having a discussion the pros and cons of a multi. (the dirty danish mincer likes to have one!!)

    I just wondered if many of you are using them and why you feel the need for them.

    Most people I know dont use them and I dont beleive I have a use for them.............. just my inexperienced reasons!

    So please let me know the Whys and whynots!

    "The Multi" - Please discuss!



  2. #2

    RE: Multi


    I did give you (and Kevin) my opinion, sort of anyway, on

    Despite that, I am curios what your inexperienced reasons are for using or not using the multi. At least it is a start for a discussion and who knows maybe you know things experienced people does not know ...

    ... I believe in what Galadriel said to a scared hobbit "remember that even a small person can change the course of the future ..."


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