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Thread: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

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  1. #16

    Arrow Re: Jan Davis

    Quote Originally Posted by Mac View Post
    from the video I saw, she attempted to pull - no question.

  2. #17
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Oct 2002

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloudtramp View Post
    I've seen the video too (from the top zoomed in) and she most definitely tried to pull. Were you drunk when watching it or just trying to slander Jan?
    Just to clarify, your reply was meant that for base719.

    I know she tried. There is 100% no question about it.

  3. #18

    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    yup. replying to BASE719.
    While i'm at it; the whole "shadow on the wall" mr719. Off EL Cap!?! BullShit! You don't even have to track at all on that thing to get away from it. It overhangs so much that it moves away from you. (not that I would know cause I never do anything that the authority's tell me not to do... ;-p) How is there a shadow at pull time? and if there was how would it offer any kind of "proof" of anything?

    Blue Skies Jan.

  4. #19
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    I have seen it also. There is clear evidence on the view I watched that she did reach back and give a few tries.......she was just reaching in the wrong area.

  5. #20
    BASE Enthusiast SpecialKaye's Avatar
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    Re: Jan Davis - It's been 10 years.....

    Jason, my convict costume at BD 09 was to tribute Jan's 10 yr anniversary. Didn't know her well but to say HI...she knew who I was and I knew who she was. She made a huge impression on me BD99 congratulating me for a much improved performance, for coming back and for doing it in full pig regalia and doing it right...I had to live it down! She sought me out at the end of the day and gave me the biggest, most heartfelt hug and told me how she was proud of me to have overcome the year before. She didn't have to do that..and she died a week was on the CNN News all the way...the sound of her hitting was on the news...I watched it. January 2000, Dennis posted that he had gear for sale and by fate and luck, I got the rig that he made for her that she was supposed to get as a present for the protest jump. I was honored and I think of her every time I put that rig on.

    Nick, Jan is no longer with us. She died trying to make a difference in the sport. I'm sure Tom Sanders is real appreciative to read your venom about his wife. You obviously have no respect for the dead. I can only imagine what you must have to say about Skypunk, Dwain Weston, Dr. Nic Hartshorne...the real Dr. Nic...Slim and the list goes on. How about Shane? There's times and places for the appropriate venom, but when we're discussing someone that's no longer here, FIND SOME FUCKING RESPECT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!

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