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Thread: Jan Davis Memorial at Lake Elsinore . . .

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    Jan Davis Memorial at Lake Elsinore . . .

    It was a wonderful tribute to Jan Davis.

    I won't even hazard a guess on the attendance but throughout the day an amazing number of people are there. The weather is beautiful, a crisp fall type of day.

    Jan's Memorial T-shirts are worn by most and pull cords inscribed "An Angel Falls" are everywhere. I don't remember who first posted that saying here on the board but thanks, it fit like a glove.

    At sunset the actual ash dive is split among the five airplanes in attendance. And they all went up at the same time. I had the honor and privilege of carrying Jan's ashes on Tango Whisky (a DC-3) and after everyone landed from the five loads there isn't a dry eye in the house.

    The fly-by is also impressive as the Elsinore Air Force put the capper on the days events. The card that everyone signed and produced by Dave Sanders was very very cool. (Thanks Dave, we know you stayed up all night for that).

    Also very moving is the room set aside for a showing of Jan's photographs. It was awfully hard to stand in that room without a hanky.

    Jan's family is in attendance and I'm sure the outpouring of love and the fact so many came to participate had a genuine effect on them.

    Tommy held up well, but he (and no one else either) could keep from crying every time he spoke of Jan, especially when he rose to say his piece after dinner. It's an unforgettable moment.

    Robin Heid spoke on the current issues bringing everyone up to date, and also read a letter from Dennis McGlynn that is posted elsewhere on this board. After that various people touched by Jan Davis were also given an opportunity to speak.
    Tommy said Jan would have wanted us to party and thanks to Duffy (our favorite jumping DJ) we did exactly that.

    As for the show of support in Yosemite, aircraft from Elsinore are slated to carry jumpers north but while plans are being made the first storm of the season starts rolling in across California.

    This morning many jumpers are returning after going as far as they could before the weather turned them back. We had a group from BR stuck at the Banning airport totally weathered in.

    Not only was VFR flight impossible in that area yesterday, some of the roads may have been closed due to conditions. Court is in session as I post this so we'll need to hear from someone there about how many actually made it. Right now it pouring rain across much of California.

    After the magnitude of yesterday's event in tribute to Jan Davis, it's only natural I suppose, that God should shed a few tears too.


  2. #2

    Jan's memorial

    Thanks for the very accurate accounting of the
    memorial. I've never seen such a spectacle as
    that fly-by....Awesome....I'll never forget it.
    Jan Davis was loved and admired by many people
    and her memorial was a great way to say 'good-bye'.

  3. #3

    From Elsinore to Yosemite and back

    Wonderful description of Saturday at Elsinore, Nick. The entire day (and night)was truly the most stunning tribute I've ever seen. Just an incredible outpouring of love.

    We stuck with Plan A and passed on the DC-3 ride, fearing the weather and that timetable. We left early enough to make it to Yosemite by sunset Sunday. The storm came in and pounded rain through the night, and then we woke up to a gorgeous day with dramatic clouds over El Cap, and 1.5" of snow on Half Dome. The stage was set.

    We had less people than we expected, but still close to 30 or 40 jumpers made it. (I must add here that we stayed to enjoy the whole day there, and on our way out, we ran into a couple more jumpers just arriving from Tahoe. They were detained by the storm and missed the arraignment, but still pressed on to show their full support. Glad they still got to be there to breath in the air and the good vibes.)

    I'll let BASE 44 give you the details of the day.
    He did a great job of organizing everyone, a great job of opening up the communication with the rangers, and I just want to say THANKS! for all your hard work, R. (I can't wait to see all the cool pictures, too)

    I'll let someone else translate all the legal jargon, too. Looks like we'll be returning for Round 2 on Dec. 13.

    It was great to see so many old friends this weekend, and great to hear all the Jan Stories.
    I know Tom appreciated everyone being at Elsinore and at Yosemite, too.

    After the trash pick-up, we wrote Yosemite postcards to the Honorable Mr. Dennis McGlynn, Political Prisoner, and played "tourists" for the rest of the day.

    The day kept getting brighter, the clouds continued to dissipate, and the long healing process began on a beautiful day. Jan and Frank were smiling on us.

    Thanks to everyone,


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