2014 FIFA World Cup Wingsuit Flight Over Rio de Janeiro - COME ON ENGLAND!
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We don't play much football/soccer here at EpicTV but that doesn't mean we don't want to support one of the greatest sporting events on Earth, the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. We got in touch with California-based British wingsuit maker Tony Uragallo and asked him to make us some special suits for the occasion. We then hooked up EpicTV athlete and citizen of the world Jhonathan Florez with a couple of Uragallo's finest threads and sent him down to Rio de Janeiro for one awesome Wingsuit flight. COME ON BOYS!
Director: EpicTV
Producer: Jools Bee
Athletes: Jhonathan Florez, Sebastian Alvarez
Sports: Wingsuit Flying
2014 FIFA World Cup Wingsuit Flight Over Rio de Janeiro - COME ON ENGLAND!
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Posted: 17 February 2015
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by Daily Motion Wingsuit Videos