Needed: Security and Intelligence Professionals
Mozayix is a specialized consulting company that focuses on meeting the needs of our clients in two primary areas; security and market growth related services. We primarily support clients who have operations in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. We are by no means a traditional security company. We thrive on helping clients tackle tough problems and resolve critical issues. We enable business, we don't constrain it. Our culture is defined by our commitment to excellence, our ability to approach obstacles from a different perspective and our resolve to take care of each other.
We offer challenging assignments to professionals who have what it takes to deliver top-notch services in complex parts of the world.
We need good people and we need them now. Specifically, we are looking for security and intelligence professionals with particular skills. Our current job openings are listed below. If you're qualified and ready for the challenge we look forward to your application, if you know someone who might be interested please pass our job openings along.
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Current Job Openings
All-Source Intelligence Analyst (Beirut, Lebanon)
All-Source Intelligence Analyst (Cairo, Egypt)
Security Consultant (Washington, DC)