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Thread: Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands

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    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands

    Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands - MSN Malaysia Going Out

    Base jumping on New Year’s Day

    31 December 2011 & 1 January 2012 – The a few folks in Singapore decided to celebrate the New Year. All the way at Marina Bay Sands, 6 base jumpers completed the biggest base jumping stunt in Singapore. They took the plunge off the Sands Skypark Observation Deck. Each and every participant had a 200 meter free fall in the air before landing on Bayfront Bridge. (images courtesy of Marina Bay Sands)

  2. #2

    Re: Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands

    Too funny, I was just going to post the same thing...

    MBS leap is largest Base jumping bid here

    The jumpers were: James Pouchert, Jeb Corliss, Anne Helliwell Amanda Vicharelli and Brendon Cork, and Marta Empinotti
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3

    Re: Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands

    As overhung as this is, does it really qualify as a "B"?

  4. #4

    Re: Singapores largest base jumping stunt @Marina Bay Sands

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