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Thread: Canadian BASE Big Way Record Attempt - Norwegian Heliboogie 2011

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  1. #1

    Canadian BASE Big Way Record Attempt - Norwegian Heliboogie 2011

    A Canadian BASE Big Way is being organized at this years Heliboogie. The attempt will be preceded by a Canuck tracking/distance/accuracy comp to allow us to tune skills, select players and determine slots. No entry fee, and there will be prizes. We believe the unofficial record stands at 7 from the Perrine bridge. Presently we envision a 15-way with a mix of trackers and wingsuiters, but with the right people we could go bigger. Safety is our #1 priority! Any experienced Canadian jumpers who have not been contacted yet and are interested can contact one of the organizers here or on FB.

    Lonnie Bissonnette
    Bertrand Cloutier
    Spence Bisley

  2. #2

    Re: Canadian BASE Big Way Record Attempt - Norwegian Heliboogie 2011

    Here is a video of the big way.. A 19 way Canadian record +1 - Douggs, who organized the load.. enjoy

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