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Thread: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

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  1. #1

    FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Don't know if anybody else has seen this yet, I had a friend send me this last week, and it's on Apex's website also.

    Pretty interesting comparison between the canopies and the various venting options:

  2. #2

    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Is anyone else noticing an incredible amount of jellyfishing and closed end cells in these tests?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Frijol Saltando's Avatar
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    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Wow. . .IF I was ever to think about buying a FLIK. . .slap me in the dick
    The FOX w oversized v-Tec looked to have the fastest and most solid pressurization.
    The UL and FLIK were fuckin SCARY!!

    Whew!! Even though I've been waiting 4months for my BlackJack this vid reinforced my decision to buy one!!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) iamchriskolegasbitch's Avatar
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    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Quote Originally Posted by base935 View Post
    Is anyone else noticing an incredible amount of jellyfishing and closed end cells in these tests?
    I was thinking the same thing as you. It seems like the FOX 245 xs 5/7 oversized Vtec had the best openings.
    She said she was 16.

  5. #5

    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Frijol Saltando View Post
    Whew!! Even though I've been waiting 4months for my BlackJack this vid reinforced my decision to buy one!!
    I would like to see the same type of video of the BlackJack openings for comparison. I'm willing to bet you'd see something similar...

    I regularly jump my FLiK 266 with a guy and his BlackJack 260 and, subjectively, we get pretty much the exact same performance out of them as far as opening heading, altitude, and glide. There is a 'slight' difference in wingloading but not enough to where I would say it makes a difference.

    I really wish I had some repeatable, dayblazable objects in my area where I could take video of our openings; the dead of night makes it difficult to get decent video of your canopy, especially with my stealthy black lines...

  6. #6
    ShamWOW sponsored Ahole
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    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    I would like to know what exit point they were using and what the delay was. A go and throw would explain the closed end cells, etc. with some of the Flik openings.

    Keep in mind, in addition to oversize Vtec, the XS also has a full ZP topskin and traditional 5th line to trap as much air as possible on very short delays.
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  7. #7

    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    There's a 2 second blurb at the very beginning that says it's 185' Static Line. I almost think you would get a better comparison with a Go & Throw because the Static Line is really going to snap the top of the center cell and distort the rest of the canopy.

  8. #8
    perfecting mediocrity Blitzkrieg's Avatar
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    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    they're all static line jumps... of course they're going to jelly fish a bit.

    while i don't have any video of it, i'd be willing to bet my blackjack and troll looked very similar from that same exit. also, i'm not one to post links to other people's videos... but if you are friends with a few jumpers on FB, there are a few videos of other canopies (like BlackJacks) from that exit point, and yeah, they look pretty much the same on opening.

    (in fact, the Seven opening is way scarier looking to me. but i'd still jump it.)

  9. #9

    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Here's a link ---> Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Same cliff with a go and throw. Flik 266 4/7 VTEC... canopy seems to be pressurizing well to me :-)

  10. #10

    Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Showoff... =;>

  11. #11

    Smile Re: FLiK / FOX / UltraLite Openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg View Post
    they're all static line jumps... of course they're going to jelly fish a bit.

    while i don't have any video of it, i'd be willing to bet my blackjack and troll looked very similar from that same exit. also, i'm not one to post links to other people's videos... but if you are friends with a few jumpers on FB, there are a few videos of other canopies (like BlackJacks) from that exit point, and yeah, they look pretty much the same on opening.

    (in fact, the Seven opening is way scarier looking to me. but i'd still jump it.)

    the smartest post of the m all!!

    i hump a Fox , PLiK , a Ace===== Static lines taint my thing, unless its weird atypical object....

    but alos lame of Apex too to abertise such openings frum a static line ,,, it jus doesntt llook good. but i lov my fox,flik, and my ace (i know..not apex) and anyway the poster above Is THE only right guy thuus far.
    u know i've never jumped a black juack! i pretty mch like unvented.

    i wood like to see some "seven" videos as well .... i think i want one ,,,, course id have too many tarps tiping too muchh
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