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Thread: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

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  1. #1

    Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    This came from the Bridge Day Commission (BDC) recently and they need your input:

    We had our first meeting of the BIG Committee (Bridge Day Improvement Group) yesterday. One of the things we talked about is how to show the BASE jumpers we appreciate them. A couple of ideas that came up are posters in businesses welcoming them to the area. We also talked about some type of program where we could get discounts at local restaurants and businesses for BASE jumpers. Any suggestions you have will be appreciated.

    Respond below and I'll make sure the BDC gets your ideas. Thanks.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter basefan's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    Can you make it easier for registered jumpers to get a hotel reservation? I dont like waiting til the last moment to find out which hotel i'll be staying at.

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) FreeFallFiend's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers


    Forgive my ignorance but is this the committee made up of jumpers for BD (us) or is this the committee on the legislative/legal side? (them)

    My response will depend greatly based on where the above paragraph came from

  4. #4

    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    How about you have some representatives from the US Department of Justice monitor the "police officers". Everyone that goes there, "isn't from around here, are you boy?"

  5. #5

    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    There is no committee of jumpers. Sorry, I should have been more specific as to who makes up the "BIG Committee". If I understand correctly, the BIG Committee consists of the local chamber of commerce and several local businesses. The head of the Bridge Day Commission is the local chamber of commerce rep along with the local sheriff, state police, county commission, NPS (advisor role only), local police, department of highways. The bottom line is that this whole idea of showing appreciation was driven by the chamber of commerce. I hope this helps. Please provide ideas!

    Quote Originally Posted by FreeFallFiend View Post
    is this the committee made up of jumpers for BD (us) or is this the committee on the legislative/legal side? (them)

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) FreeFallFiend's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    OK, the reason I asked was because my original response was a bit of a rant. I'll tone it down a bit.

    I think it is great the local businesses and chamber wants to show their appreciation. My original thoughts were that this was just a bunch of shit. Posters are great...but for who? Jumpers dont care if they see posters in businesses and stuff. (Well except maybe sponsored ones.) The posters would just benefit whuffos and possibly attract more business thanks to our exploits. As far as the discounts go, it's very kind, but really just geared to get us to spend more money. That being said, I don't mean to sound unappreciative of what they are offering. Since the BIGC is mostly local businesses and the chamber i suppose this is all they can offer and its a very nice gesture as they dont have to offer anything at all. I just wish that it was the BDC that was trying to show their appreciation because they are the ones that could actually address some of our more serious grievances. Do you think the BIGC could put some pressure on the BDC if we told the BIGC instead of the discounts and posters we would really just like a little more respect from local NPS and LEOs? I have a feeling most locals and local businesses have no idea how jumpers are treated and what hoops Jason has to jump through every year. We have talked the past week or so about how to get people's attention on the situation....maybe we could use the BIGC?

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers


    It's good to know that there's a group of locals who have a positive attitude towards jumpers and want to do things to improve BD. I think the best thing to do would be to fill them in on the string of hassles that have popped up over the last couple of years & make sure that they know that the jumpers are a bit worked up. Discounts and welcome signs would be nice, but if they really want to help make BD better for the jumpers the best thing they can do is be advocates for us in the community and in front of the BDC and their local politicians.

  8. #8

    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    I agree with the two posts above mine.

  9. #9

    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    Can they help secure a landing area under the bridge and catwalk so we can jump all year?

  10. #10
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by FreeFallFiend View Post
    OK, the reason I asked was because my original response was a bit of a rant. I'll tone it down a bit.

    I think it is great the local businesses and chamber wants to show their appreciation. My original thoughts were that this was just a bunch of shit. Posters are great...but for who? Jumpers dont care if they see posters in businesses and stuff. (Well except maybe sponsored ones.) The posters would just benefit whuffos and possibly attract more business thanks to our exploits. As far as the discounts go, it's very kind, but really just geared to get us to spend more money. That being said, I don't mean to sound unappreciative of what they are offering. Since the BIGC is mostly local businesses and the chamber i suppose this is all they can offer and its a very nice gesture as they dont have to offer anything at all. I just wish that it was the BDC that was trying to show their appreciation because they are the ones that could actually address some of our more serious grievances. Do you think the BIGC could put some pressure on the BDC if we told the BIGC instead of the discounts and posters we would really just like a little more respect from local NPS and LEOs? I have a feeling most locals and local businesses have no idea how jumpers are treated and what hoops Jason has to jump through every year. We have talked the past week or so about how to get people's attention on the situation....maybe we could use the BIGC?
    Nothing will happen overnight, but what starts with a small poster in a few businesses--a poster that jumpers won't really care about--has the potential to gradually spread and turn into something bigger. A poster in one business turns into a couple posters in a few businesses. It attracts attention and gradually turns a population around. They see the posters more and more and over time, it becomes more accepted than just a once-a-year kind of thing. It'll take small steps and it'll take time.

    ..."No, son. Let's walk down and fuck 'em all."

    Moneywise...yeah. It is geared to get us to spend more. But c'mon...what isn't? That's the only way anything really gets done, anyway. People need a motivation for making any change. The best motivation for allowing a few hundred people to come and jump off a bridge more regularly is financial. We're not strong enough to force change on our own, but the businesses that stand to benefit are. They make more money and so does the town, county, and state.

    As for the respect from LEOs. I think that's a losing battle. Regardless of spin or circumstances, they tell the NPS or LEOs to lay off a bit and all they'll do is respond with a list of arrests: drunk in public, DUI, trespassing, drugs, disrespecting an officer, whatever. It doesn't matter how bogus or bullshit the circumstances leading to any arrest is or how trumped up the charges. It's an arrest and the LEOs will just shut them down and probably make them feel stupid for supporting "a bunch of lawless hooligans". No, I don't think it's "fair", either. I think it's bullshit. But it is what it is.


  11. #11

    Arrow Appreciation for Jumpers

    Wish List

    In order of Most Wanted to Least Wanted

    1. catwalk jumping all year round

    2. catwalk jumping on BD from 3 to sunset

    3. free coffee for BASE jumpers at restaurants

    4. half price coffee for BASE jumpers at restaurants

    Also in order of Least Likely to Most Likely
    ~Tom BASE1366
    BLiNC Team Member

  12. #12
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by base428 View Post
    This came from the Bridge Day Commission (BDC) recently and they need your input:

    We had our first meeting of the BIG Committee (Bridge Day Improvement Group) yesterday. One of the things we talked about is how to show the BASE jumpers we appreciate them. A couple of ideas that came up are posters in businesses welcoming them to the area. We also talked about some type of program where we could get discounts at local restaurants and businesses for BASE jumpers. Any suggestions you have will be appreciated.

    Respond below and I'll make sure the BDC gets your ideas. Thanks.

    i know that when i showed up in twin for my first perinne trip i was astounded by the hospitality the town shows... the bar hooks it up, the hotel hooks it up, the general public has an interest and enjoys coming out and watching as well as taking pictures for the jumpers. in addition the hotel was always nice enough (if not in use) to let us use the conference room to pack. i think that anything that shows the jumpers they are welcome and thanks them for choosing their spot is solid. i have yet to meet a picky jumper who is not happy they didnt get a fruit basket in their room when they showed up.

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) FreeFallFiend's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by lifewithoutanet View Post
    Nothing will happen overnight, but what starts with a small poster in a few businesses--a poster that jumpers won't really care about--has the potential to gradually spread and turn into something bigger. A poster in one business turns into a couple posters in a few businesses. It attracts attention and gradually turns a population around. They see the posters more and more and over time, it becomes more accepted than just a once-a-year kind of thing. It'll take small steps and it'll take time.

    ..."No, son. Let's walk down and fuck 'em all."

    Moneywise...yeah. It is geared to get us to spend more. But c'mon...what isn't? That's the only way anything really gets done, anyway. People need a motivation for making any change. The best motivation for allowing a few hundred people to come and jump off a bridge more regularly is financial. We're not strong enough to force change on our own, but the businesses that stand to benefit are. They make more money and so does the town, county, and state.

    As for the respect from LEOs. I think that's a losing battle. Regardless of spin or circumstances, they tell the NPS or LEOs to lay off a bit and all they'll do is respond with a list of arrests: drunk in public, DUI, trespassing, drugs, disrespecting an officer, whatever. It doesn't matter how bogus or bullshit the circumstances leading to any arrest is or how trumped up the charges. It's an arrest and the LEOs will just shut them down and probably make them feel stupid for supporting "a bunch of lawless hooligans". No, I don't think it's "fair", either. I think it's bullshit. But it is what it is.

    I hear what you are saying, and think we are pretty much in agreement as far as getting support. The only way we would have enough support to make ANY change would be if the local businesses and residents pushed for something on our behalf. As many have already mentioned we obviously cant do it on our own.

    As far as the LEOs go i think Jason made a HUGE step with moving our base of operations to the campgrounds. This way the LEOs cant see the different acts of celebration that many LEOs might see as obnoxious. When I checked in this year someone immediately haded me a beer. I respectfully asked the guy that checked me into the camp ground if I could drive right down the gravel road to where i was putting up my tent or if i needed to pitch the beer first. His response was:

    "Hell I don't care. If you want you can walk around all day and night ------- - -----. We don't allow cops in here as it's private property. The guy at the front gate isnt there just to check passes but also to make sure the cops don't come in."

    Not only is this "local protection" great, it also tells us something else. That at least SOME of the locals are aware of the problems we have with LEOs and maybe have experienced problems with them on their own. Although it is small this is the type of support that we need and have been discussing.
    Last edited by FreeFallFiend; February 9th, 2010 at 11:48 AM. Reason: edit to take out incriminating information because i am sure NPS and LEO will eventually read this

  14. #14
    LegalBASEeverywhere primemory's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    the locals want us at the NRGB, i know because i am one of them, fayetteville is my home town. problem is the regular BDC and not the BIG committee. the BIG, like jason said, is business owners and people who are in the community, the regular BDC is made up of cops and some other city official type people. Also, they (authorities or gov't) really havent figured out the best way to make money off of us yet, they know local businesses will benefit but they are not interested in only that kind of money,no matter how many times you reference Twin Falls, so the year round thing is still quite the touchy subject with the NPS and local authorities.

  15. #15
    BASE Enthusiast SpecialKaye's Avatar
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    Re: Need Your Input - Bridge Day To Show Appreciation for Jumpers

    how about jumpers being able to walk up the southbound side of the road so long as we have gear and our badges? sometimes the crowd makes it almost impossible to get anywhere...almost getting taken out by baby carriages, wheel chairs, people stopping dead in front of you, whatever? it's not like there's traffic to deal with and i think we all have enough common sense to move out of the way if a bus or car is coming.

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