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Thread: Flat Turns

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Flat Turns

    I know this is a skydiving question, but most of the guys at the DZ I jump at fly elliptical canopies and don't really do flat turns too often. So here's my story . . . I was flying my pattern and noticed I was a little low, 400-300 feet maybe? So I think, flat turn! I pulled my toggles to my crotch for a second, then let one up and got facing back into the wind. I thought I did a pretty good job but ended up getting a 'talk to'(strike one!) My instructor told me that I scared the shit out of him and that he thought my canopy was about to collapse. So I was just wondering how to properly do a flat turn, and how far should you pull down your breaks? I had practiced doing flat turns before, but I was always at a pretty safe altitude. I had even attempted to stall my canopy on multiple occasions and have never been able to do so. Any advice would be appreciated!

    Note: I was flying a 290 sq. ft. 9 cell Skymaster canopy and sometimes use a 230 sq. ft. Skymaster when it is available.

  2. #2

    Re: Flat Turns

    There is no need to pull your toggles down to your crotch and then let one up. This will generally cause your canopy to surge towards the ground and that is exactly what you are trying to avoid. That is probably what freaked out your instructor. To do a proper flat-turn hold both toggles at about shoulder level and -nice and easy- pull the toggle down in the direction you want to turn. You won't have to pull it all the way down like a normal turn just a little bit should do it and then let them back up slowly once you are around. If you come around and are really close to the ground then don't let them back up at all (because it will surge a bit). Just hold them there and finish your flare when it is time. Essentially what you are trying to do is fly your parachute in partial brakes instead of full flight, other than that it is all the same. The important thing to remember is not to do anything too radical close to the ground. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
    Your instructor should have explained this all to you. If he didn't then find a new DZ. And... this question is much better suited for than here.
    oh and a flat-turn on an elliptical canopy is done in the exact same way. Ask around. Don't be shy. If people at the DZ are too good to help you out then just somewhere else. Or take up BASE Jumping

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