I know this is a skydiving question, but most of the guys at the DZ I jump at fly elliptical canopies and don't really do flat turns too often. So here's my story . . . I was flying my pattern and noticed I was a little low, 400-300 feet maybe? So I think, flat turn! I pulled my toggles to my crotch for a second, then let one up and got facing back into the wind. I thought I did a pretty good job but ended up getting a 'talk to'(strike one!) My instructor told me that I scared the shit out of him and that he thought my canopy was about to collapse. So I was just wondering how to properly do a flat turn, and how far should you pull down your breaks? I had practiced doing flat turns before, but I was always at a pretty safe altitude. I had even attempted to stall my canopy on multiple occasions and have never been able to do so. Any advice would be appreciated!
Note: I was flying a 290 sq. ft. 9 cell Skymaster canopy and sometimes use a 230 sq. ft. Skymaster when it is available.