lets say hypothetically,
you go bring your base canopy up in a skydive environment to dial in your brake settings to get super close to the stall point. you mark off how close to the cats eye that point is.
since you weigh an extra 20 lbs or so with skydive gear......my question is,
when you actually go base jump your canopy, would you have more of a chance of stalling out when you base jump minus the extra 20 +/- lbs of skydive gear, or would you have more of a chance of stalling out if say you weighed even more on a base jump than when you were skydiving your base canopy (say you overindulged for a month straight and became a fat morbidley obese beerdrinking fuck hypothetically)
does this make sense?
im trying to figure out if it takes more or less weight to reach a stall at a predetermined brake setting. im gonna have my canopy by spring and im gonna definitely put some skydives on it to get those brakes perfect for me and have them tweek the DBS