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Thread: VholdR small HD cam

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  1. #1

    VholdR small HD cam

    I was looking in REI and found this HD cam VholdR Contour HD Wearable Camcorder any one try is before nice and compact here is a review

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    Ive had one for a while.
    It was the first 'proper' HD compact all in one out on the market.

    The HD image is very good quality
    The lens gives you a decent wide angle, but not as wide as the Go Pro's.
    The lens barrel orientation can also be roated which is very useful for some of the more unusual mounting positions.
    It has an aiming 'laser' on it ....but this is just a gimmick more than is practically useful.
    Its a cinch to use, and its pretty robust as well
    As well as recording jumps , its super handy to just have in your pocket ( its small) to pull out and record other bits and pieces as its compact , and quick to switch on/operate.

    It doesnt do stills like the Go Pro's and the mounting options are slightly more limited ( as its a little bigger and a little heavier than the Go Pro)
    Now the Go Po HD is on the market, I think the GP is the better option ...

  3. #3

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    Has anyone in the second round of shipping received their GPHD yet? I ordered mine, say mid October, units were to be shipped the week of the 16th but no word yet.


  4. #4

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    hey Zoter the go pro I like the option on the mount they provide, one thing abut go pro it looks flimsy which do you think is durable camera, I really don't care it take photo or not, al
    have good Thanksgiving every one

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Perigee Pro

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    I've been using the ContourHD 720 and the 1080p for BASE for the last few months. i have nothing but good things to say about it. check out and hit the sample video. 2 way with the 1080p on the default settings for Jesse Hall's 1,000th jump

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    The Go Pro is certainly not flimsy.
    It sits in a very tough /waterproof might scratch the lens window on this casing if you drop it, but you wont break it....its tough !
    That does not necessarily hold true for the sometimes have to tighten then junction bolts quite tight ( to stop the camera position from slipping, particularly at terminal and on opening) and Ive gone through a few of these mounts/bolts.......but they are fairly cheap and easy to replace from any GoPro dealer

    The Contour HD is in a metal and plastic casing. Its not waterproof but is just about water resistant.

    Both are very light compared to any camcorder, and absorb drops, bangs and knocks very well...

    If I had a choice between the GPHD and the Contour HD ......I'd go with the GPHD
    'Wider' wide angle lens
    Photos and Video
    Tougher casing
    More secure mounting options and more of them

    Looks very under styled compared to the Contour HD......but you cant have everything ...can you ?

  7. #7

    Re: VholdR small HD cam

    sound like I'm going with GPHD , I only seen it online only, never the actual thing that's why I wrote the it look flimsy, thanks for the info. al

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