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Thread: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

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  1. #1
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    What follows is an exchange I had today with a producer looking for BASE jumpers in his reality TV show. I've removed a few names in this post.
    ************************************************** **
    <Producer> October 5 at 4:51pm Report

    Hi there!

    I got your name from a mutual contact, X, and I just wanted to see if you would be interested in casting for a reality show pilot that will focus on a group of BASE jumpers traveling around the states and jumping everything they can, and documenting the journey.
    I represent <Production Company> in association with <Another Production Company>. If at all possible we would like to set up a web cam interview with you on Monday later in the afternoon. Let me know if you'd be available or are interested in possibly being a part of this project.

    Hope to here from you!

    <Production Company>

    P.S. I'm sure you have a bunch of questions, and we would love to address them in the interview.
    ************************************************** **
    Collin October 5 at 4:54pm

    I'm sorry--and there's no disrespect intended--but you lost me at "Reality Show". I am not interested. Best of luck on your project, though.
    ************************************************** **
    <Producer> October 5 at 6:53pm Report

    no worries - just out of curiosity do you mind telling me why?
    ************************************************** **
    Collin October 5 at 11:29pm

    I don't mind at all.

    First, "reality" TV isn't. It's all the same. The only difference is context but otherwise it's same bullshit in a different wrapper. It caters to the lowest common denominator of society (which is probably what makes it so damn marketable). I'd wager you're not genuinely interested in BASE, anyway. If you were, after even a modicum of effort you'd realize it doesn't really fit with reality TV. You're looking for drama and bullshit. That's what sells reality TV. There's enough of both in the BASE community already, but it's easy enough to avoid and we don't need it in order to jump. The mere fact that you're looking for it in BASE makes this a losing proposition from the start. In casting, I expect you'll either choose opposing personalities or choose jumpers looking for exposure--probably both. The former brings conflict and bullshit, the hallmark of reality television (so I guess I couldn't blame you). The latter may bend to your pressure when weather and bust factor are shit, but you as the director/producer haven't gotten the shots you need so you start making threats or coercing jumpers to do what they might not do if out on their own. When some do and others don't, you'll have your drama and you'll spin it for your show. There's no telling what story you'll tell.

    Second, you probably want far too much for far too little in return. You wouldn't have anything to produce if not for the jumpers, but what are you willing to provide in return? Healthcare in case of injury? Legal protection in case of busts? You're asking us to perform acts for your benefit. What are you providing? Solid benefits. Not arguments of 'exposure' while working for you for free or damn close to it. What are you offering?

    Personally, I have a career and you absolutely could not make it worth my while. Not because you couldn't pay me enough to jump for you, but because you couldn't pay me enough to take time away from work. I know this because I have worked with Hollywood before, and one of the major American TV networks at that. They didn't have the budget, so I have a hard time believing that you do. Even if you did, as a non-jumper focused on reality TV (as opposed to say, a documentary) I couldn't trust you to produce something that I'd sign off on and I doubt you're willing to make me a producer and give me rights to the footage and say over the final product.

    These are just some general thoughts I'd have if I were a jumper that was interested in your project. The only certainty in bringing you or your crew along on a BASE trip is unnecessary overhead, attention and hassle.


    PS Given what your production crew did in Miami and how it was generally received by a majority of US BASE jumpers...if you're going to launch off across the US, I'd keep the following links bookmarked. They might come in handy if you draw unwanted attention to objects that are being jumped quietly by locals.
    Let Me Google That For You
    ************************************************** **

    I wonder if I'll get another response...

  2. #2

    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    I would love to read that response if you do!

    Love the LMGTFY at the end! LOL

  3. #3

    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers


    maybe ask the tree loppers from a well known drink

  4. #4

    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    I wonder if it's the same production company that bugged me a few months ago. I think they finally gave up on me and are targeting others. They weren't willing to provide anything and wanted jumpers to foot their own bill for jumps in foreign countries, so I told them to buzz off.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Frijol Saltando's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    Ahahaaaaahaaahaaaa !!! Nice Collin! I wonder why you haven't heard back from him yet?? Let us know what he says IF he does reply!!

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) FreeFallFiend's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    While the letter is awesome you're most likely just wasting your time. The producer will probably just ignore your response and keep looking until he finds a jumper that is willing to do it for a $0.50 off a cheeseburger coupon. The sad thing is he probably will find someone to agree to those terms.

  7. #7
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    He actually did respond. Seems like a decent enough guy. Albeit one trying to use BASE with very little understanding of what it is.

    "Wow ok. Looks like you've been thru the ringer. Totally understand your position. Thanks for the response."

    But yeah, I'm sure he'll find someone.
    Last edited by lifewithoutanet; October 6th, 2009 at 11:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    At least posting it here, you let more naive jumpers know how they will be treated. Almost good to putt another thread in the non-private area.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  9. #9

    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    Love the LMGFY... Absolutley cracked up. Thanks for that.


  10. #10
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    Hey...did you give him Karnowski (or his mom) as a contact?

    Fucking ace stuff Collin! That's some good shit right there!
    Last edited by Flying_Mike_D; October 6th, 2009 at 04:12 PM. Reason: Added Andrew's mom

  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying_Mike_D View Post
    Hey...did you give him Karnowski (or his mom) as a contact?

    Fucking ace stuff Collin! That's some good shit right there!
    Maybe just maybe they have Andrew's name ... maybe.

    I've received the same email and have inquired about it to see what they have in mind. Hopefully they'll reply back because I'm curious what they have in mind. I asked a few good questions and kept it basic so they don't think I'm as hard headed as that lifewithoutanet guy

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    FUck dude,,,,
    I can think of two qualified , uh,,, jumpers for this...
    tissy lizza and Sangi.
    I would watch that!

  13. #13
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by huckleberry View Post
    FUck dude,,,,
    I can think of two qualified , uh,,, jumpers for this...
    tissy lizza and Sangi.
    I would watch that!
    Best response yet.

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    damm,,,, can't forget NickD as the mentor.

    The producers could spin it as a comedy reality show.....

  15. #15

    Re: Reality Television for BASE Jumpers

    HAHAHA! Your the MAN!

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