View Poll Results: Would you buy a confiscated rig from the government?

53. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    13 24.53%
  • No

    14 26.42%
  • depends on the price

    18 33.96%
  • Maybe only my own gear.

    8 15.09%
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Thread: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I'm curious to know the percentage of jumpers that would buy another jumpers confiscated rig, making it profitable for the government to confiscate and resell BASE rigs. Similar I guess to how cars are confiscated from drug dealers and sold at auction. I don't know if this would actually happen because of the potential for lawsuits if someone afterwards goes in, but rather hypothetically. If my property was stolen (confiscated) by the government, and bought by another jumper, then I would consider the gear/jumper to be "cursed".

  2. #2

    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I'd be willing to buy it and get it back to the jumper.

    But then I think that would be keeping the cycle going and support the nps in some way. I guess someone would buy it anyway. Gray area...

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    Quote Originally Posted by BASE1190 View Post
    I'm curious to know the percentage of jumpers that would buy another jumpers confiscated rig, making it profitable for the government to confiscate and resell BASE rigs. Similar I guess to how cars are confiscated from drug dealers and sold at auction. I don't know if this would actually happen because of the potential for lawsuits if someone afterwards goes in, but rather hypothetically. If my property was stolen (confiscated) by the government, and bought by another jumper, then I would consider the gear/jumper to be "cursed".
    In reality, the market dictates the value and price of these items. As long as we where to hold fast to the real value, then I would be happy to buy back a rig at used gear price, and get it back to it rightful owner...

    I think it is better than the rig wasting away in storage forever.

  4. #4
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I voted yes. I'd buy it for as cheap as possible and get it back to the owner. I look at it like Willie Nelson's friends did back in the day when he was bankrupt. They bought most of his shit at auction but REFUSED to pay the auctioneers price and got it all for pennies on the dollar, then they gave it all back to him. I'm like Willie's friends!!! Lol

  5. #5
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    Twoply2, I'm with you. I wouldn't stew on keeping the govt machine going though, and here's why: just as you would raise bail money for a friend, then think of it as bail money for a brother/jumper's rig.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    You can get bail money back.

  7. #7
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I just wouldn't want the NPS to know who I am.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) skydive1224's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    Quote Originally Posted by hamsandwich View Post
    I just wouldn't want the NPS to know who I am.

    They already do.

    The Gravity Research Institute

  9. #9
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    No way, the GRI is a special branch that doesn't share info with other agencies.

    You shoud know that.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  10. #10
    ShamWOW sponsored Ahole
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    Perhaps a fellow jumper sold you out for a lifetime online subscription to Brazzers.
    "What we have here is a failure to communicate. There's some people you just can't reach."

  11. #11
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I thought Abbie sold out for a lifetime membership to "Two girls, one cup."?

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) M8tricks's Avatar
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    I'd consider it an investment in my future jumping - if I pay to get my gear (or someone else's) this time then I have an excuse to get my value back by doing the same jump again.

    selling it back to us would be like them condoning BASE - selling it to anyone else would open them up to the liability of enabling some dumbass to jump... do they do that shit in the US?

  13. #13

    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    my gear spent 5 years in jail until the park service decided to sell off some of the confiscated (stolen) gear it had to make room for more. I was lucky enough to have a good friend in search and rescue that knew my gear and returned it to me. Thanks again, if you still read this crap.

  14. #14

    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    The GRI does not share information with terrorist organizations, government or otherwise.

  15. #15
    CrestFallen/Conflo sport
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    Re: Would you buy someone's confiscated rig from the NPS or other government agency?

    i am going to have to say no, because i think the government needs to get their greedy big ass hands out of our little pockets and move on to other more pertinent matters such as taking over canada and mexico!

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