Skydiving a BASE Canopy: It is always a good idea to take the canopy you intend to use for BASE, or a good old skydive! It helps you to understand the open and flight characteristic while you are on a low stress jump.
I personally purchased a t Dolphin d.5.5 container to put my Mojo 260 into. The Mojo 260 was tight in the container. However, I was then able to get a Raven II Reserve Demo Canopy with a deployment bridle attached for making continued 7-cell jumps. The allowed me to practice a BASE 'like' canopy flight each and every skydive I made.
In my honest opinion, if your goal in skydiving is ONLY to base jump, then focus on your goal 100%. That means GET A 7-CELL CANOPY similar to BASE. While a Silhouette or other Zero-Porosity canopy might be a 7-cell, it is likely you will be jumping an F1-11 canopy in BASE.
Skydiving Canopies that could be used for both BASE and Skydiving
- Raven Reserves
- Cruiselights
- Pegasus
BASE Specific canopies
- Mojo
- Ace
- Blackjack
- Dragon
See the [][/] Page for contact information for purchasing and inquiry.
Also note, in the Gear section, there are many articles on BASE Canopies including:
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