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Thread: Northern Cali BASE jumpers need an extra person for ground crew??

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Thumbs up Northern Cali BASE jumpers need an extra person for ground crew??

    Whats up everyone. I guess I can be a called a Noob, first post too, haha. I start my AFF next month in Lodi, pretty stoked. I want to learn more about BASE jumping by observing and helping out, not jumping right in. I plan to have more than 100 jumps by or before July. Eventually want to learn BASE after I get some flyer miles under my belt. Oh and I been tearing through the threads here and at for information.

    Wondering if there are any Lodi Sky/BASE jumpers reading this? Any BASE jumpers in Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Alameda County? Someone I can network or meet up when I start my AFF training. I plan on being there often.

    Anyone need an extra person for groundcrew. I am EMT-B certified and good with the camera, haha. Just want to learn a few things by observation. Not looking for a mentor for the future unless one comes my way, just want to groundcrew and learn by watching some chill BASE jumpers do their thing.

    Drop me the PM and maybe we can meet up at Lodi if there are any Lodi jumpers out there. Or we can work something out for anyone else.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Northern Cali BASE jumpers need an extra person for ground crew??

    Just go there and get your AFF underway. Have you arranged doing your AFF with Ed? I happen to be an AFF instructor at a different dropzone so if you're not jumping with me, I would highly suggest going with Ed.

    There are plenty of jumpers there so you should have no trouble finding them when the time comes.

    Good luck.

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