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Thread: Yo Nick,,

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Yo Nick,,

    Vagina over there locked the thread so........

    I don't know how to move it to here but
    to respond to you

    "Why don't I believe that"

    "but the publicity RB generates"
    I wasn't aware that RB is the only company, group or who/whatever doing LEGAL BASE events. Please forgive me for my ignorance

    "THe judge MIGHT consider outlaw BASE something that needs nipping in the bud"
    OR, the judge MIGHT consider that BASE is not a fucking crime.

    "Hurting the little guy trying to make a few jumps in his hometown"
    Shiiiiiiiiittttttt, hasn't hurt me none. How about you and you're crew....

    Thanks for the response Nick. Alittle dissapointed in the length of you're post thou........

    Johnny D

  2. #2

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    I'm not going to take you through it point for point again. Except for this one. It's not about legal BASE events at bridges and cliffs. That's been going on forever. But going around doing it off buildings in every city does turn up the heat on the guys who do it quietly.

    But I hear what you're saying. And I just don't agree. But that's cool . . .

    But one sort of funny\sad thing happened after Red Bull jumped in San Diego.

    My younger wuffo brother saw it in the newspaper and he called me up to say, "Hey Nick, how come you weren't jumping? You've jumped that building a bunch of times!"

    Oh, the indignity . . .


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Please don't tell me you're feelings got hurt because RB didn't invite you to jump in your city.....(or your side of Cali anyway)

    point--> ah, fuck it! <--point

    We're all gonna do our own thing anyway....
    Last edited by huckleberry; September 9th, 2008 at 11:27 PM. Reason: I felt like it....

  4. #4

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    I'm not saying my feelings were hurt. And you trumped me with the jealously card when I think what they do is pathetic.

    But you sparked a thought!

    From a PR standpoint why don't they invite the local big gun on the jump? (And I'm not saying that's me). They could take advantage of their local knowledge which would make it safer for them, and once gone leave behind some supporters instead of haters. Even if its not to jump themselves due to liability, but in an advisory capacity?

    They'd also leave behind a jumper with a bit of clout with the local officials. I'm not saying Redbull has any clout in the real world, but in the minds of local whuffos they do.

    But I don't think they'd even think of doing that. It just doesn't fit into their slash and burn blow and go tactics. But if they did it might go aways toward building bridges instead of burning them . . .


  5. #5

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Quote Originally Posted by NickD View Post
    From a PR standpoint why don't they invite the local big gun on the jump?
    Would the local want to be publicized like that? Next time a jumper gets away from the cops, they'll know just who to hassle...

  6. #6

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Yup, there's that too. There's always a fly in the ointment . . .


  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Hey, I respect 30 years of BASE history.......
    THe whole youtube era get's to me alittle but
    Fuck it
    everyone is gonna do whatever they want anyway

  8. #8
    perfecting mediocrity Blitzkrieg's Avatar
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    i'm not really for or against red bull or any other demo team for that matter.

    but, BASE jumpers (generally speaking) as a whole are "extraordinary" people. RBAF are just (extraordinary people) in an extraordinary opportunity. go on, take it. i'm pretty sure i would if it was handed to me.

    objects will come and go, as far as getting "burned"... nothing will be as bad as the after effects of 9/11.

    sure it sucks if your local spot heats up, but it will probably cool down, and you'll eventually find a way.

    no matter, it will always boil down to the personal choice of risk vs. reward. if your city is too hot, better buy a ticket to idaho.

    just my worthless american penny.

  9. #9

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Quote Originally Posted by huckleberry View Post
    Hey, I respect 30 years of BASE history.......
    THe whole youtube era get's to me alittle but
    Fuck it
    everyone is gonna do whatever they want anyway

    Na, most people, and that includes a large portion of BASE jumpers are sheep. There are and always will be a larger portion of sheep, smaller portion of leaders, and a very few individuals.

    Knowing first where you fit in, and second how you can use that to improve the situation is key.

  10. #10
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Quote Originally Posted by diablopilot View Post
    Na, most people, and that includes a large portion of BASE jumpers are sheep. There are and always will be a larger portion of sheep, smaller portion of leaders, and a very few individuals.

    Knowing first where you fit in, and second how you can use that to improve the situation is key.
    Knowing where you fit in? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm in my own little world, fine with jumping however much or little as I do and for my own reasons. In life, work, BASE, yourself is all you can control.

  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Awh, come on NIck.....
    this nation was built on competition.......

    I can see YOU as a CEO of a Billion dollar company and yer gonna let some (insert imagination here) person represent YOU're company.....
    What happens to YOU're company when that person get's injured or even killed.....

    You'll probally be putting THAT post back up...........Yeah, that post.
    you know, the one with a gun........

    good times

    good times
    Last edited by huckleberry; September 12th, 2008 at 04:20 PM. Reason: English dammit

  12. #12

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Quote Originally Posted by lifewithoutanet View Post
    Knowing where you fit in? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm in my own little world, fine with jumping however much or little as I do and for my own reasons. In life, work, BASE, yourself is all you can control.

    Remember how I said "very few individuals"?

  13. #13
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Yo Nick,,

    Quote Originally Posted by NickD View Post
    My younger wuffo brother saw it in the newspaper and he called me up to say, "Hey Nick, how come you weren't jumping? You've jumped that building a bunch of times!"
    red bull organizing a legal jumping event is bad, but you posting in public about jumping it illegally helps? Ya, real smart argument dude.

    so the go fast games are a bad idea too right? little colorado? bridge day? the magic mountain jumps? space needle? all the events that happen at places that were allegedly jumped illegally prior to an organized event?

    i used to buy into the hype about redbull being such horrible people but once you meet them, most of the athletes are fun people who are pushing the envelope more than the rest of us.

    Go fast does the same, and even cooler is that they organize events for all of us to enjoy. Is that why no one bitches at go fast events? are people 'bribed' out of complaining with the jumps? I don't see a problem either way.

    Last edited by hamsandwich; September 11th, 2008 at 10:04 PM. Reason: spelling
    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  14. #14

    Re: Yo Nick,,

    The events you mentioned is us giving up security for the good of the many over the good of the few. And that's fine and something I know is good for the sport. But when Redbull comes to my town and jumps a building that is regularly jumped that's just the good of the few over the good of few others.

    You live minutes from a legal object. Most of us don't. And the few jumpable spots we do have are precious to us. And we have gone to great lengths to protect them.

    I can see these guys are your friends so I can also understand why you stick up for them.

    And I've never had a problem with Go Fast. Troy is an old friend of mine and I knew him well as a jumper. And I love the fact he's made such a success of Go Fast. But they don't go around jumping from people's only objects. Red Bull to you now is your friends and the fact they are "good guys" isn't the debate. The fact some corporate schmucks who wouldn't know a pilot chute from a coal chute who are just using BASE jumping is.

    If you can't see that, I won't hate you for it. Just do me the same favor.

    And right, the whuffos read this board . . .


  15. #15

    Cool Re: Yo Nick,,

    "You live minutes from a legal object. Most of us don't. And the few jumpable spots we do have are precious to us. And we have gone to great lengths to protect them. "

    From what I know , you not jumping anything. But talk like do.

    Do you have even 300 jumps in base career?

    You not jumping anything Nick. When was last Jump?


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