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Thread: World BASE Race 2009

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    World BASE Race 2009

    World BASE Race

    WBR have finished the first competition, and I am pleased to tell we completed all goals for the first year!

    We had no incidents!
    We had a great show and competition for the public!
    We have a concept that is easy to understand for the public!
    We have a sports arena there is no like!
    We have a concept all of the athletes found interesting and Challenging!
    We made the world news!

    We will arrange the competition after same model next year! This is a easy concept to build good reputation for the public and media! The athletes will compete to be the World Fastest Flying Human Being.

    We had the fastest flyer on the time 20,03 sec and we have a record to brake next year! Who will brake the 20?

    We will aim for free register, free pick up, free morning meal, and free stay for the athletes! Public will have free entrance, and transport bus for next year competition as well! We want to have a public party showing the best Mountain flyers from all around the world!

    Dates for the next WBR is temporary set to 6  8 August with weather day on 9 and 10! Warm up week will be prior to this Where we have the

    Prizes for World BASE Race Romsdalen 2009

    1. 3 000 euro
    2. 2 000 euro
    3. 1 000 euro
    Last edited by 434; July 21st, 2008 at 02:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Prices = Prizes I assume. :-)

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by hamsandwich View Post
    Prices = Prizes I assume. :-)

    Yess you are right! Fixed it :-)

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    WBR 15 min video, 500 mb, ready for download! More information at homepage

    Get your quicktime player here

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Changed time!

    Rauma rock have canged their dates to our schedular so we have to move one week! Warm up week from the 6 of august (Rauma Rock starts so it is possible to have great ball during the warm up), and first competition day is 12 august!

    Resoults from Hans Holmefjord logging, where he reached 228,7 KM/h absolute speed after 430 meter (Horizontal speed 178, and vertical speed 144 Km/H) at 16,6 sec

    Glide angel 39 deg. Steepest angel 79 deg at 3,4 sec

    4,4 sec 101 km/h vertical speed, and absolute 104 km/h

    11,5 sec he passed absolute speed 200 km/h

    This numbers is absoluteley impressive!

  6. #6

    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    ....and converted into real money for those of us who don't understand that KM and M $hite they use in Europe:

    Resoults from Hans Holmefjord logging,
    where he reached 142.1mph
    absolute speed after 1,410 ft
    Horizontal speed 110.6 mph, and vertical speed 89.48 mph
    at 16.6 sec

    Glide angel 39 deg. Steepest angel 79 deg at 3.4 sec

    4.4 sec 62.76 mph vertical speed, and absolute 64.62 mph

    11.5 sec he passed absolute speed 124.3 mph

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    World BASE Race

    Last edited by 434; March 13th, 2009 at 08:08 AM.

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    We got tree more members on WBR team. We welcome Martin Rosen, Sweden chairman safety board, Petter Bergsjø, Norway, and Hans Holmefjord, Norway as board members. This is some of the most experienced mountain flyers, I believe is the right persons to handle all jumpers safety issues during the event. WBR a event by jumpers for jumpers!

    "Zero incidents"
    "Safety rules"

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    I have now almost 40 confirmed experienced jumpers on my list, and would like to know who else planning to come. Please send me an mail with Name, age, experience, nationality

    to paul(at)

    If we have 64 experienced jumpers we will ad one more round.

    For those of you who have not ordered any accommodation yet, I suggest you start finding a place to stay now, if you do not want to stay in club house. It is bunk house style, and we do also have a camping. No showers (only cold river), but we might get the school this year as well for shower. Club house is no charge!

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    42 experienced jumpers confirmed arriving! USA have the biggest group so far with 17 jumpers!

  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Safety Chairmen Martin Rosen!

    Martin Rosen

    For this year, I will be the chairmen of the safety crew. A short presentation of me, for you guys who doesnt know me; I have about 11 years in BASE. About 1300 BASE-jumps where approximately 600 is wingsuit jumps. One of the reasons for me to take care of the safety issue is assumed knowledge in wingsuit flying and my interest in debating risk factors and its connection to human behavior.

    This year we have two policy lines "Zero incidents" and "Safety rules"

    This means that we really will work towards a zero incident event, and to create this we need to cooperate with the jumpers to have an understanding around safety and the rules we put up to maintain the demand for safety. This includes high demands for skills, experience and behavior. The rules are created to keep the risk down. We all know that the combination of mountains, competition, audience and large groups of jumpers create a significant higher risk of incidents. Our idea is to prevent incidents from happened as far as possible.

    Last year the main problem was the low pull altitude and the short canopy rides. This was probably an effect from the competition and the lust to win. We still want people to have fun and compete. Therefore we will use all thats in our power to create a competition where flying low isnt necessary.

    More exact plans for safety and rules will be presented before the competition for all participants to take part in and comment.

    The second part of the policy says Safety rules. This means that Safety rules over the competition and the show. If something in the show or the competition tends to hazard the safety, the jumping will stop and changes will be made.

    Sorry for this boring tone of the message. The whole idea is to have fun and create something big together. We all know the risks and we know how to have fun. Also Im sure we will cooperate and giv the audience and our self a great experience and a nice chance to bring forward the fastest flyers in the world. This located in one of the most beautiful places on earth!

    See you in Norway and the World BASE Race 2009

    Chairmen of the safety council
    Last edited by 434; March 16th, 2009 at 12:28 PM.

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    We will work with the regulation of the jumpers who can participate in the race. We have an FAQ we will post everything that comes up, and we will continue to update FAQ as we feel the need!

    Please read and understand the requirements we will have for the competition! The FAQ is not complete yet, and if you are not sure you can be one of the jumpers, I suggest you wait another year, and develop the skills and experience you will need for a high profile event like this!

    FAQ The World BASE Race - F. A. Q.

    This is from a post last year
    Im sure most of you who did attend Petronas competition, or a high profile event, remember how special it was to be counted down on the exit? How the adrenalin flowed, and added the extra tention! There is not easy to jump in a competition, and it is easy to make mistakes, if you are not confident with your equipment or the cliff! Bear this in mind when you attend to World BASE Race, the atmosphere change, and the extra pressure from the public and media will also add the extra flow!

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Start orders as follow:

    When jumpers are dressed up and ready to jump.

    Both jumpers standing at the back of the exit ramps

    Starter will ask

    Jumper A ready - confirmed

    Jumper B ready - confirmed

    Jumpers take your start position

    Starter starts count down

    5 - 4 followed by a single signal repeated 3 times Bip - Bip - Bip

    The rules for the jumpers exit will be as followed: Both feet must be in touch to the exit ramp, when the last signal starts. We will judge by a video cam, standing behind in the middle of the ramps, facing down on the edge of the exit. If we are in doubt about a early start, or we get an complain from fellow jumper, we can look at the video, and confirm the situation. En early start is disqualification.

    Another rule which is in the safety compendium: Jumpers have to show controlled exits. Any uncontrolled exits is disqualification.

    The World BASE Race - F. A. Q.
    Last edited by 434; June 2nd, 2009 at 07:41 AM.

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Final show August 15

    Saturday 15 August we will make sure you will enjoy your stay at Innfjorden World BASE Race arena, located in one of Norways beautiful fjords. An arene in the nature. We have a show presenting local entertainers, and world top class flying humans, dressed in batmans suits. Flying at top speeds more than 250 km/h. All athletes walk every round to the top, an hike with 700 hight meters, and 2 hours walk. In 3 days the winners have to walk 6 rounds.

    Ronald Nikolaisen with "Black cat bones" is The World BASE Race band this year. They will play at the final show, and at the WBR party in the evening.

    We will also have

    Line Horvli and the local choir

    A lokal folkdance group Leikarringen

    Norwegian national paragliding team with Ove Tillung and Pål Hammar Rognøy

    2 show jumping groups before we will have "The World fastest human flying being" final.

    This is the day you will walk home with a new experience of life. This is the ultimate challenge human beings can face in a high speed adrenalin sport. Head to head flying a 750 meters horisontal raceline, where a perfect human flight, will make one the only one, who can call himselves or herselves "The world fastest flying human being". Using nothing else than gravity, a body dressed in a batman suit, and perform the perfect aerodynamic shape. Hans Holmefjord made one jump with a gps last year, which showed maximum speed 234 km/h. I believe the winner had max speed more than 250 km/h.

    Ronny Risvik will be back and defend his Title "The world fastest flying human being"

  15. #15

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