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Thread: some questions

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  1. #1

    Cool some questions

    So just got my A-license, have ta take it slow cuz I'm broke and in debt. I tryin ta work through the CR base drills so I can be ready for some base jumps sooner than later.

    so here are the questions: Braked landings, a few months back I was trying to make a braked landing, when I flared it didn't slow me much and i ended up with a broke foot, info I have researched calls for a more "snappy" flare I assume that the amount of snap is proportionate to the amount of brake, I also assume that flares following anything beyond 1/2 brakes will be largely ineffective? am I right? So closely following this question after a steep approach what is the appropriate landing strategy? riser turns: how does one achieve penetration (yea haha i said penetration) with the front risers (I know... many jokes in there please rip on me as much as possible)while not initiating a dive?

    Basically at the dz I get a lot of info really fast without having time to follow or digest it, similarly the sim has the info in such a structured format that I have a hard time finding connections the CR drills provided by snake river are good and easy to follow on paper does anyone know of resources on wing dynamics that are readable?

    thanx for any input anyone may have!!

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) iamchriskolegasbitch's Avatar
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    Re: some questions

    You lost me at penetration.
    She said she was 16.

  3. #3

    Re: some questions

    I cant find it online, but found this archived version:

    Bryan Burke - Book of Canopy Control (Wayback Machine Archive)

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