YouTube- 5 Year Old Paraglider Pilot
My old Nano 10 in flight, without the near-lockout and collapse.
That's some of the coolest, most inspiring footage I've ever seen. Watch and just listen to the kid.
YouTube- 5 Year Old Paraglider Pilot
My old Nano 10 in flight, without the near-lockout and collapse.
That's some of the coolest, most inspiring footage I've ever seen. Watch and just listen to the kid.
To be totally honest, I feel that is retarded, and no where near cool.
For fucks sake, animals and kids dont have a fucking clue, so dont use them to create material to enable you to wank off to your own self gratification of cool.... fuck about with adults, but not animals and kids...
Seriously, not fucking impressed....
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
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The kid's dad is a professional instructor. His kid wants to fly, so for his birthday, he bought an appropriate-sized wing to teach him to kite. He's been kiting and learning how to forward launch and so...with wind, on flat ground...he does a human-powered tow. I don't see him letting his son loose to start soaring on his own. I don't think it's self-gratifying at all. The kid really wants to fly. Can you imagine if we'd been taught such things at that age in the proper environment, with the proper control and instructor???
I'd have been all about it.
heck yea, I wish I could have started flying that young. I use to watch parachute jumping at that age and wished I could do it. I tried to start skydiving at 14 but my parents made me wait until I was 16. If done right, that kid will have a better chance of survival by learning flight basics so young.
I have mixed feelings. I think its rad that the parent is patient to teach a kid that young and that the kid can do it. I also worry about what happens when that kid reaches his teenage years and can be reckless. It's not that all teenagers are reckless but most of the western culture allows and accepts teenagers to be irresponsible and just "a phase". So armed with a paraglider and lots of experience, will he hook himself in doing acro close to the ground? Maybe. Will he hand paragliders to all his friends telling them, ya its easy, because he doesnt realize he's been doing it for 10 years? Maybe. Or maybe he'll be a fucking badass with a good head on his shoulders and we'll see some of the limits pushed and records broken.
Whatever I think though, I would never tell this parent how to raise his child. Every person has the right to live the way they want and to raise their own children their own way.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
Well I wish I learnt from an early age too, but it does not mean that hooking a kid up and letting him fly about is actually a good idea....
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
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It seems to me you have no fucking clue.For fucks sake, animals and kids dont have a fucking clue
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
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Precisely. I seldom regard strong opinions as nuggets of wisdom, maybe you should look more closely to kids and "other" animals.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
Dont use me as a blackboard for your own perversions...
I agree that strong opinion does not mean its a correct opinion, but I stand by the fact that using kids and animals in parachuting is not right. This has been gained by my own experiences in parachuting, and the fact I was once a kid and an animal in my past history, thus giving my strong opinion a little more weight than a normal retarted chavvy attitude of my way or no way....
Note: "Chavvy" ~ mainly derogatory slang term in the United Kingdom for a subcultural stereotype, that some argue amounts simply to snobbery and elitism.
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
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What's the worst that could happen?
who taught that guy to pca?