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Thread: [split] You Tube Videos embedded on BLiNC

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Question [split] You Tube Videos embedded on BLiNC

    There is also an inline hack for the forum I could add if there are enought people that want to post utube vids here @ BLiNC...

  2. #2
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: How Do you post BASE videos on the internet protected from being downloading?

    hells yeah, let's do it!
    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: How Do you post BASE videos on the internet protected from being downloading?

    OK, I have the mod added. Here is what they say:

    This is unlike my past video mod which used bbcode, this one is more simple and works much better for the user too. What it does it parses the url when the post is viewed, so it will work with past links and new links.

    So basically the user enters a video link in a post and its automaticly displayed as the actual embedded video.
    This is killer.... All I had to do was ass the YouTube URL link, then the plugin automatically parses the video inline!

    YouTube- base jumping jeb_2003_big.wmv

    Another link:

    YouTube- BASE-jumping Impressions
    Last edited by mknutson; January 4th, 2008 at 09:18 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: [split] You Tube Videos embedded on BLiNC

    I thought this should be split from the original thread as it seemed to be taking a different path.

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