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Thread: florida locals

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    florida locals

    hey guys and gals
    Im going to be in FL over christmas to celebrate the birth of our lord and savory guy me.
    any way Im bring one rig and im staying in Naples for a few days and them going to key west for some good old fashioned man love.
    I will be jumping so if u want me to play nice with your objects tell me the rules, other wise ill just brake them
    because i wont no what they are
    if u play nice with me ill repect u and your objects.
    and i would rather do it your,
    way then mine

    by the way im maggot AKA jerry piccola from harlem NYC
    call me if u want to jump and leave a message 201 674 1203
    its my cell

  2. #2

    Re: florida locals

    F:::: all of u floridians
    I now know why u peolpe live in this swamp
    theres f:::: As everywhere
    if u ahd a brain u should have called me it just so happens that my cusins
    husband owns a bunce of big boyus down here.
    ow yah and just to piss u guys off i told him all about base jumping and how to alarm his antennas
    why because no one wanted to help me well then F;;;; u
    u mess with the bull and u get the horns
    ow yah I also jumped a building in fort meyers
    2 night in a row the first night one of my crew broke his arm shoulder and wrist doing a role over. I told him it was to windy for that ****.
    and the second night X-mas i took 20 of my cusins in there RV to watch
    I even let them come on the roof some of them any way.
    o buy the way I jumped into a 9 mph head wind
    but u know how it is when u have a audiance one tends to do things like tardovers off cliffs
    any way if u want to jump the building the roof door does not lock any more I used my hand prybar to get it open u know the Harlem lock pick
    so ahve at it u fags and do as i do land in front of the lobby like u own the place\. so I guess after all this i learned I dont need no stinking help from locals after all

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