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Thread: 2 dead in swiss valley over easter

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) flummi's Avatar
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    Unhappy 2 dead in swiss valley over easter

    just got word of a sad easter in the swiss valley. does anyone know what happened and who died?

    pay attention to details...
    B.A.S.E. #996

    * Respekt - ist unsre Aufgabe! * (fanta4)

  2. #2

    Re: 2 dead in swiss valley over easter

    taken from a post on DZ from HELLVetic

    Here is a report of the first accident which took place at the nose on Saturday april 15th.

    Stefan was extremely conservative in his progression. His experience was about 35 bridge jumps, 2 building jumps, and a handfull (5 or 6 max) of cliff jumps he had made from the three most common exit points in LB during the few days prior to his accident.

    Stefan had a prior jump from the nose, so it was not the first time he jumped there when he had his accident.
    He was jumping an appropriately sized vented fox canopy with a 38 inch vented pilot chute.
    Stefan was a well known, respected rigger and was on top of his game in regards to gear maintenance, set up and packing.

    This is info gathered from people who saw the accident first hand.

    Stefan was making a stowed, slider up jump from the Nose when he had his accident.
    Same configuration as all the other jumps he had made in the valley in the prior days.

    It has been reported that he made a stable exit, took a nice but conservative delay during which he tracked a little and pulled high above the talus.
    The canopy inflated fully with a 180 at a reasonable distance from the wall. Wittness report that they saw him fly towards the wall with no visible attempt to turn the canopy around.
    It is unknown if he had twists or not as this could not be seen from the top.
    Stefan hit the talus a few times before the canopy collapsed and fell the rest of the way.
    Stefan was found with the right toggle unstowed in his hand.

    There is not much else I can say beside that Stefan was a very much loved and kind jumper who was very carefull in his progression. He was an amazing human being and he will be bitterly missed! He leaves a wife and two children. My prayers and thoughts goes out to them.

    Fly free my brother...

    taken from another post on DZ about the second:

    Second fatality was from YO. This was the jumpers second base jump. He went hand held, packed slider down. Started to rotate head low on exit, pitched and started to drop his right shoulder. Chute opened with a fast 180 right, he was on his left riser immediately but impacted the cliff and continued to impact the cliff a number of times till the tallus
    thoughts to all effected by these....

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