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Thread: BASE chutes w/ reserve canopy?

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  1. #1
    Couloir than you are
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    Nov 2005
    Perigee Pro

    BASE chutes w/ reserve canopy?

    Just wanted to know what everyone thinks about base chutes with reserve canopys. Im an AFF graduate and want to buy a chute, but when i graduate from skydiving to base, i wouldnt mind if i could still use the same rig. Any acceptable choices anyone knows of of a skydiving/base fusion rig that is actually acceptable in the base jumping community and will be a versatile chute for me to do both?

  2. #2
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: BASE chutes w/ reserve canopy?

    >>The Sorcerer is a two-canopy BASE rig. But unless you're jumping something really high and pull high, or have Jedei like powers, it won't really help you. You're better off focusing on the the one canopy you have in a single parachute assembly. Plus on a Sorcerer you have two BASE pack jobs to do, and who the heck would want to do that?!

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