Hi guys
I use a Bushnell Yardage pro,and discovered some interesting thing about it..
I went out to this new discovered A to laser it,it said 155ftjust below the exitpoint(at SERVAL shots arround the A),then i wanted to do the acurate by Phytagoras thing,but then i run out of power..
150ish is high enough to me to SL by lasering it that way so i jumped it a few days later i jumped it and found myself having a long canopyride.. hmm
Last nite i then climbed the thing after i had turned my Alti-watch on(accuresy whith in 3ft)it said 183ft at the top...
I have this morning been out there whith fresh battery on my laser and lasered it again,now it says 180ft... either the way i started whith or the phytagoras..
Therefore please make sure your batteryes are fresh.. Atleast it messured it wrong in my favor...
Any others had similar experience?