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Thread: Kjerag LZ

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    lord of the dark towers

    Kjerag LZ

    Hey all,

    i have done a search but cannot find any pictures of the LZ at Kjerag, does anyone have any or can anyone describe it, both would be great. As i expected there are loads of freefall and exit photos but non of the LZ.

    I am there in a week or so but i wanted to get an idea of it before hand.



  2. #2

    Re: Kjerag LZ

    Here ya go partner.

    In the first picture, the landmass you see below is a slope with big boulders. The very tip of it is the LZ. You can also land on the shoreline to the left of the LZ if you cant make it to the LZ. If you havent jumped there before, the SBK will take you out there by boat to walk the LZ.

    The next 4 pictures give you a closer look

    The last picture - a beach we were having a great time on last January. I know it has nothing to do with your inquiry, but it was a really nice beach.
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  3. #3

    Smile Re: Kjerag LZ

    ...compared to other LZ such as AF plenty of room and the water is always an option - just in case . see you there in 2 weeks, bernhard
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  4. #4
    lord of the dark towers

    Re: Kjerag LZ

    Great thanks,

    perfect shots, exactly what i was looking for thanks...

    And yes what a great beach pic......

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