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Thread: First Wing Suit???

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Sep 2004

    First Wing Suit???

    I am looking to do my first wing suit jumps this summer and am looking for my first suit to buy. Some people tell me to start small with a classic II, do about 30 or so jumps and them move up to a GTi. On the other hand I have also heard that a classic II is good suit to use for your first couple of flights, but, to buy a GTi right off the bat for my first suit. Any suggestions??


  2. #2

    Re: First Wing Suit???

    hi Stu,

    first thing is to just try wingsuit flying using a suitable suit such as the Prodigy or classic. Seek advice from experienced wingsuit pilots or your local PFI / BMI and try as many different suits as you can before you buy.

    Long flights,


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Sep 2004

    Re: First Wing Suit???

    thanks for the advice. it seems as though everyone has a different way of approaching their first wing suit flight. My mentor has a conservative approach which is more along the lines of what i am in to. it seems as though there is alot of people who are pushing things to fast regarding first flights. i just want to make sure that i am not being to conservative or to rushed!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) flummi's Avatar
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    Re: First Wing Suit???

    hi stu,

    a general point (having no clue about wingsuit flying and thinking about the same choices that you are bouncing back and forth):

    i am just wondering if "too conservative" exists in a sport like BASE?

    be safe
    Last edited by flummi; July 26th, 2005 at 04:05 PM. Reason: correct typo
    B.A.S.E. #996

    * Respekt - ist unsre Aufgabe! * (fanta4)

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Sep 2004

    Re: First Wing Suit???

    I have been talking with a birdman instructor about wing suits and it sounds as though the trainning has taken a turn in suits. It used to be that a classic was the suit to use for first time flights, but now it sounds as though if you are current and are a heads up student that they will start you on a Gti. I found a Gti for a good price and am going to make my maiden flight this weekend. Good luck in finding a suit and hope you have long flights.


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