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Thread: .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    gargoyle,oddessy FX

    .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

    More wing loading questions.All I want to know is have you jumped slider off/down while wing loading at .68 to .71 or even lighter?I realize performance and headings are an issue as you go bigger.My friend is stuck between deciding on a 220 or a 240.I figured these numbers using both 15 lbs to 20 lbs for gear weight.My experience is with a 240 and 260.I jump short delays with tight crappy landing areas and I load my 240 at .77 to .79.With the 260 its .71 to .73.The difference on 300' freefalls is night and day between the two canopys and I think the 260 is the perfect size for me.(if there is such a thing).However,I would not want a lighter wing loading and for someone who wants to jump tight landing areas and is in between sizes I am not sure what to recommend.

  2. #2

    Re: .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

    All I want to know is have you jumped slider off/down while wing loading at .68 to .71 or even lighter?
    I load my Troll 265 MDV pretty lightly, somewhere between 0.6 and 0.65. Almost all my jumps are slider down, although none of my regular objects have particularly tight and crappy landing areas. But I'm way glad I chose the 265 over the 245, I have absolutely no complaints or worries about my wingloading. YMMV with different canopies of course, I've heard that the Trolls have higher than average forward speed.
    I did move my brake settings down the brake line slightly (ie made them shallower) after a few odd openings, I guess that might have been a function of the low wingloading.

    If in doubt why not go bigger, what's the disadvantage?


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    gargoyle,oddessy FX

    Re: .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

    Ok,anyone with lighter wing loadings jumping non vented canopy's?Vents or valves would seem to be a big advantage on a less loaded canopy.

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    velcro container. usually.

    Re: .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

    I jump an unvented fox 285 loaded at about .59 lbs./ft. I've made 53 jumps on it out of 57 total. As far as heading issues, I've never really had any. It does on the other hand jellyfish like a motherf*cker and I usually have to pump the brakes 2 or 3 times to get it to fly. I'm not sure if I can attribute these issues to a light wing loading as I don't have experience at higher wing loadings. Most of my jumps have been off of an object that requires flying to a distant landing area, and I have never had a problem making it. the landings are very soft.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Perigee II, Perigee II, Reactor 4, Gargoyle

    Smile Re: .68 to .71 vs .75 to .77

    Here's what i've jumped and found out so far i weigh 170lbs. geared up:
    10 jumps Mojo 220 wing loading .60 nice for high winds( i know jumping in high winds is retarded) big landing areas but too small for me i have sence sold this canopy to someone that wing loads it at .65 he has jumped my Ace 240 zp also and is gunna stick with the Mojo 220

    30 jumps Mojo 240 wing loading .70 28 slider down/ 2 slider up.. good for moderate to no winds i like this canopy the best it might be a little small for me on no wind landings i have had to PLF or superman some landings but for me but this is my first pick maybe a Mojo 260 would be better i don't know

    30 jumps Ace 240 zp 5th line wing loading .70 good for moderate to no winds seams to fly a little faster than the Mojo 240..i like this canopy but it seams a little fast some of the time not really sure if i like ZP yet or not

    3 jumps Flik 242 f1-11 vented w/covers .70ish wing loading opens a little faster 2 nice low wind landings 1 PLF down wind landing 1-2 mph so far so good but i need more jumps on the canopy

    1 jump Ace 260 ZP 5th line wing loading .65 big landing area no winds my best landing so far flys nice i need more jumps on this canopy also but i think this might me the right size for me

    1 jump Ace 280 f1-11 5th line wing loading .60 big narrow landing area light winds i don't think i wing load this very well big and doggy with a fast landing could be brake settings/toggle placement or the fact i have only one jump on this canopy but don't think i will jump a 280 any time soon

    take this info as my opinion only as i only have 75 Base jumps(73 slider down/2 slider up) most of them with a big landing area..the 260 is most likely my size but I perfer a 240 (i have been blow sideways on a cliff on my Mojo 240 jumping in high winds is retarded)


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