More wing loading questions.All I want to know is have you jumped slider off/down while wing loading at .68 to .71 or even lighter?I realize performance and headings are an issue as you go bigger.My friend is stuck between deciding on a 220 or a 240.I figured these numbers using both 15 lbs to 20 lbs for gear weight.My experience is with a 240 and 260.I jump short delays with tight crappy landing areas and I load my 240 at .77 to .79.With the 260 its .71 to .73.The difference on 300' freefalls is night and day between the two canopys and I think the 260 is the perfect size for me.(if there is such a thing).However,I would not want a lighter wing loading and for someone who wants to jump tight landing areas and is in between sizes I am not sure what to recommend.