A rather firm landing last week got me thinking about tailbone protection a bit...
I usually see the normal approach to body armor design as this: throw some padding at the vulnerable spot, then cover it with a hard plastic. Seems to work well for knees, elbows, shins, heads, etc... all of which are targets that are attached to the torso via pivot point(s). In other words, if you smack your knee, you rely on the armor to DISPERSE the force of impact, and you rely on body motion, the flexibility of the joint, and the muscles controlling it to ABSORB the force (such as a PLF). Vaguely speaking.
The tailbone is kind of different since it doesn't pivot, and energy is directed up the spine or something breaks. I've looked at pictures of various items claiming to be tailbone protection... azzpads.com, "crashpads," mtn bike armor, etc. All they do is place a pad & triangle of hard plastic over your upper buttcrack.
Dispersing the force in this manner is of course good for hitting pointy rocks, but what about those whopper hits where people break stuff. In this case, wouldn't the benefit of a pad be limited to the crush-absorbing ability of the padding material, which usually isn't much. I guess it helps by making the time duration of the force go from near-instantaneous, to spreading it out over a few fractions of a second? But still, that could be a lot of force being applied to an rigid body part.
So to overcome this, has anybody ever seen an asspad that tries to disperse the force against a tailbone to greater areas of the butt? Contrary to intuition, would something like this require more firm padding over the softer parts such as your buttcheeks, and a relatively soft padding over the tailbone itself, in order to effectively redistribute the energy? If you have the most aggressive padding over the area you are trying to protect, i.e. the coccyx, doesn't that merely channel the energy directly to that target?
Do you agree/disagree wity my above conclusions? Am I just wasting my time in an a$$-obsession?
now I know the cynical among you will just say "work on your damn canopy skills"
I was generally fine afterwards... though lucky, embarassed and frightened at some of the mistakes I made! and now still a little sore so that I don't forget it any time soon.