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Thread: accident in Calgary

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  1. #1

    accident in Calgary

    Going through the window in an office tower. Ouch.

    I don't know who this is, but I hope he lives to jump again. Good luck man.

  2. #2

    Re: accident in Calgary

    Police arrived on the scene shortly after 11 p.m. to find him on top of a pedestrian walkway. He was taken to hospital with pelvic, abdominal and back injuries.
    Police say...
    there was about five-thousand dollars damage to the building.

    Charges are pending.


    Pending What ?? To see if he ever walks or works again ?.



  3. #3

    Re: accident in Calgary

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Losli
    Police arrived on the scene shortly after 11 p.m. to find him on top of a pedestrian walkway. He was taken to hospital with pelvic, abdominal and back injuries.
    Police say...
    there was about five-thousand dollars damage to the building.

    Charges are pending.


    Pending What ?? To see if he ever walks or works again ?.


    NO, more likely to consult the prosecutor, study available case law etc....

  4. #4

    Re: accident in Calgary

    Kind of wondering if they might take some pity on him since he is Banged-Up. Maybe they will not file Charges, even though I am quite sure there will be precedent.
    Being Banged-Up and a Prosecutor crawling up your ass @ the same time would be a tad F,..ed up.

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