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Thread: Mishap 2002

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) DRT's Avatar
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    Mishap 2002

    This is probably a long shot but here goes. I was involved in a helicopter search and rescue mishap in yosemite NP on June 13th 2002. I recently had to give a deposition regarding the case and learned that there were to climbers in the area of the accident. Why is this on the BASE board you ask? The eye witnesses were also BASE jumpers. I was injured in the accident and have no memory of that day and only bits and pieces of the months after. I'd really like to talk to those guys regarding what they saw and what the winds were doing that day. I suppose this is a little vague, but I felt I needed to try anyway. Feel free to PM or e-mail me. Thanks in advance.

    "God Hates a Coward" Earl Davis on life and poker, mainly poker.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) leroydb's Avatar
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    May 2003

    Re: Mishap 2002

    you might also want to post this on
    Reality is the playground for our dreams

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