I hate to ask a question that really has no good answer, but:
Are slider up line overs more likely with large mesh, small mesh, or a sail slider?
Does anyone worry about line-overs in skydiving? Of course the consequences are worse, but I don't think I've ever heard or seen a line over while I was at a dz. (ok, bands for lines, d-bags, etc…)
If you take care to reef your lines so that the control lines are on top of the Ds, which are on top of the Cs, etc... And yes, lines are flying around everywhere on deployment. But with a slider, it “should” reef the lines satisfactorily... ?
It seems that upon deployment, the lines feed out of the tail pocket, and then there is 200ish pounds getting pulled faster downwards, and a LOT of drag trying to pull upwards, relative. How do lines, admittedly long lines in hectic openings, get past a reefing system and at least on method of slider control? What is the advantage of masking the bands, when there are sliders with bands and bites for the tailgate friendly lines? Or what if you just took small bands at the rear corners of the slider, and a light bite of the control lines?
With indirect control (the primary stow bite): All the lines should be fed out of the tail pocket and lots of tension should be there, from the deceleration/acceleration of the still slider up canopy and jumper. The slider should be holding all the lines together at that point, and I can’t visualize how a control line could sneak up and around the front of the canopy before complete inflation. And yes I know it is possible.
With direct control (banding the slider to the C lines): The slider is again held up, reefing the lines towards the center of the canopy, and again away from the ends of the canopy, “theoretically” keeping the long control lines from making it up and over the building canopy. Once the slider breaks away from the direct control bands, it would seem that the canopy is building and widening, making it even more difficult to get a line over…
I don’t know everything about BASE, yet, but I know several jumpers that I have a lot of respect for have experienced a slider up line-over in BASE. But the more I think about it, I don’t understand the dynamics of how a line can get over with a slider locked up there and a primary stow taken…
Makes you want to get a hook knife, huh?