B.A.S.E. Festival in Sochi Russia
From 2 to 6 of may in Sochi City (Russia) .The BASE festival "Russian Bridge day" will take place. The Bridge is 70 meters high. (Cris, it's not for gay Basers). There is a small hotel near the bridge (400 meeters from the bridge). Accomodites + food is 12 $ per day. The local television is going to be there too. We plane to make 12-way with flares. Freefall-freejump maximum opening hight competition. Accuracy. The Black Sea is near by (40 meeters from the bridge). Taking part in the festival is free. The only thing you need to do is come there for 5 days to live and jump, bathe in the sea and BASE. Check te photos of the jumps from that bridge on http://people.skydive.ru/victorchik
bonus: 12 kelometers far from the bridge there is a 84 meeters high factory chimney. We expect an aerostat to arrive to us. Free of charge jumps for passed registretion before 4 aprils.
Any questions to:
+7 906 059 85 75 Viktor
e_mail viktor_7777777@mail.ru
+7 903 545 26 40 Irina