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Thread: NASA Genesis

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) pringles's Avatar
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    NASA Genesis

    I was just watching Good Morning America and there was a segment on the Genesis probe that is returning to earth tomorrow. It will deploy a parachute and then a helicopter pilot is going to snag it mid air. Apparently this is going to happen over Utah. They interviewed one of the pilots on the program. During the interview he mentioned that they had been working with a company named Vertigo. Was he possibly speaking of Jimmy and Marta? If he was, congrats. Pretty cool project to be a part of.
    Matt Davies

    "Do you want to see the whole thing or can I just pull out enough to win this contest?"

  2. #2
    Tom Aiello

    Re: NASA Genesis

    Vertigo is a helicopter company out of Elsinore.

    Interestingly, one of the pilots involved in the project is a BASE jumper who was up here on Sunday. He was talking about it over lunch at the Outback. Sounds like really neat stuff.

  3. #3

    Re: NASA Genesis

    My boss is there to collect the stardust. It's coming to the clean rooms here at my work at NASA Johnson Space Center for analysis. Pretty cool!

  4. #4

    Re: NASA Genesis

    Crash and burn, the parachute didn't open...

  5. #5

    Re: NASA Genesis

    They were able to remove the canister from the crashed spacecraft. In this canister the science package was placed, with the collected material from the sun. They will try to remove the dust from the utah dessert and see if they still can do some research on the collected sun dust.
    Here you can watch the video of impact. There was no deployment at all (no drogue or anything)
    Sad thing for the NASA guys.

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