I would like to be the first to welcome everyone to the new BASE Board.
I hope everyone enjoys the new application.
Just to highlight a few additions:
So, please post your comment or issues here ASAP so I can make this transition as smooth as possible.
- The ability to have advanced formatting in your messages.
- This means that you can add detailed formatting when creating a new posting to all the BLiNC forums.
- Actual Avatar images.
- Everyone has been wanting avatar images. Well, we have them now. Just need to make sure they fit into the size requirements allowed. Just go to the userCP to add or modify your avatar.
- Linear, Threaded or Hybrid display mode. Choose your own style.
- I personaly like the Hybrid mode. But other people like linear mode like dz.com. And others like threaded mode. So use whichever you want. It is up to you now.
- BLiNC Graphics, and Minimal-Graphics styles. Choose your own style.
- Some people like to have graphics. Some poeple have internet restrictions, and don't like images. We have tried to please both types of people.
- Similiar thread display so you can see other threads that are similiar to the one you are reading (if any exist).
- THIS IS MY FAVORITE NEW FEATURE!!!!!! This feature is at the bottom of each posting. So what happends is there are about 4-6 similiar threads listed at the bottom of a given thread. So before you post an additional posting to a thread, you can look at other similiar threads that may have what you need on them.
- Better login management which was a huge issue on the old forum.
- Many people that where unable to login for a long time, are now, already enjoying the new login system and are posting to BLiNC again.
- Better posting management, and flood controls which was a huge issue on the old forum.
- An advanced user rating system. This allows the community to rate/score others.
- You can add positive or negative ratings for users. This helps by allowing the community as a whole, to apply group avaraged rating for user(s). So vote for users and help build this rating system for the good of everyone.
- Many, Many more.....