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Thread: Larks Head or Connector Link

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  1. #1

    Larks Head or Connector Link

    I currently have my shrivel flap connected to the single attachment point on my canopy with a larks head knot. I see and know other jumpers that use a connector link to attach the shrivel flap to the canopy. Is one way better or safer than the other? Or is it one of those personal choice things?

    Dave O :7

  2. #2

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    I have never seen a larks head knot come unscrewed or bent into that nifty 's' shape that links make when you forget to tighten them properly.

    But then again, how many larks must give up their heads so selfish base jumpers can have their fun?

  3. #3

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    If it saves just one lark, then isn't it worth it?

  4. #4

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    I was taught that a larke's head is best because it takes one more variable out of the equation, and if you have enough bridles for all your PC's then its really easy to switch when you need to.

  5. #5

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    I saw a malfuntion last year that was possibly due to the connector link hanging up on the tail pocket. He has since removed the link and attached the bridal using a larks head. Hasn't happened since!!

  6. #6

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    Dave O,

    Think about it this way: A piece of webbing that is looped at the end and then bar tacked to iself will break at the bar tacks because that is the weakest point. You will not benifit anymore by putting a quality Maillon Rapide Link between the two pieces of individual webbings, compared to just a larks head. You may gain speed if you need to disconnect anything in a hurry.

    This is just my personal opinion, just an opionion. So please use constructive critisism if you would like to reply to this .

    Play hard friends,
    Sparky ;-)

  7. #7

    RE: Larks Head or Connector Link

    If you have large enough loops for a larks head then that is the best choice. A connector link is just another potential point of failure.


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