Looking for advice from seasoned jumpers on what the all-around best gear selection (PC size/s, Pin/velcro etc...)would be best, given the type and height of the objects in my area. Keep in mind I'm brand new to BASE, so try to think in hind-sight.
A couple really low B's (Sub 300')
One or two S's 200'ish (not suitable for newbs)
lots of A's. About 10 between 4 and 700' and At least 4 over 800'. The highest being 1150' which given the security is pretty much un-jumpable.
Maybe 2 E's Right around 300'(not suitable for newbs)
As you can see, 95% of the jumping will be off of A's
I'm asking because I'm about to purchase gear so that I can make it out to Twin Falls with an experienced friend. Don't want to waste any money.
Feel free to flame the FNG, but I would really appreciate some usefull information.