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Thread: Need info on rounds

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Need info on rounds

    I need some opening altitude information on round canopies from experienced jumpers. I am familiar with the packing techniques for fast openings, but need to know the minimum distance needed to have a fully inflated canopy before impact.
    We are looking at static line or PCA from a 150' bridge over deep water. we will be using a Phantom 24' and a K20.
    Will I swim away or will I be pulled out of the water unconscious or should I let the other guy go first?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    RE: 150' over water

    I did 160' over water last weekend.
    I used a 20' Tektite in a velcro rig, no diaper.
    Straight flake, no 45's, rubber band 6" down the apex.
    I put the static line directly on the SHRIVEL FLAP.
    I had a SHORT parachute ride (2 secs).
    It was freaking good scary fun!
    Go for it Wes!

  3. #3

    RE: Need info on rounds

    Hey Wes:

    Rounds open slightly slower than slider up square rigs. The difference is that while the round is at line stretch, it will not slow you down until it fully inflates ("pops" open). This means that if you hit the water before the inflation is complete, you can expect to be dragged (conscious or not) from the water.

    I would not personally use a round for this jump. I'd use a slider off square canopy for two reasons. First, your chances of having canopy on impact are much greater. Second, you could probably free fall the object (over water) with relative impunity after a couple test static line jumps.

    Of course, you need to find an old square that you don't mind getting wet. But that should be no problem for an on-line gear broker like yourself.

    Anyway, give me a call if you want to talk it over.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Need info on rounds

    SEnd your Ph.#

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