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Thread: Line twists during Wingsuit BASE jumps?

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  1. #1

    Line twists during Wingsuit BASE jumps?

    Do any of the experienced WS BASErs out there have any advice to reduce the chance of line twists / off heading openings?

    I recently jumped a 550m wall in Europe, made an 18sec flight but suffered a 180° off heading with 3 line twists I lost a lot of time getting out of the twists and as a result had to land on a narrow track in the forest. Not cool. Happy to walk away un-hurt & undamaged.

    I only have a handful of WS BASE jumps but I have had line twists twice. I deploy at "full speed", my packing is reasonable and my body position feels symmetrical. (38" zp, large mesh, nose folded, in-direct)

    What do you do at pull time?

    Long flights, soft on heading openings


  2. #2

    RE: Line twists during Wingsuit BASE jumps?

    Hi James,
    In order to avoid line twist or pack twist try to get the dynamic corners on your base rig . :-) If you have rig without the open corners than while you packing the canopy in the rig be careful about the placing. Pack job has to be placed perfectly symmetrical and on axe with the rig.

    Also place the Tail pocket in the middle of the rig. Don't place the tail pocket all the way down to rig's corners.

    Fast and long

  3. #3

    RE: Line twists during Wingsuit BASE jumps?


    I agree with Robi. But as I see it is two kinds of linetwists. One type induced by the canopy and one induced by your body.

    The type induced by your canopy are often pack or rigging oriented, like how you pack or place your packjob or attach you PC.

    The type induced by your body are usually un-symmetrical pull sequence, dipped shoulders or that you are on keeping you heading throughout your deployment.

    Hope this helps.

    As for what I do at pull time ... usually I hope for the best.


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