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Thread: wingsuit exit

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  1. #1
    Jolly Jumper

    wingsuit exit

    I have studied a wery bad wingsuit flight from Hårstadnebba prior to Tores fatal jump. The jumper exited perfektly but went in to a left dive and a corkscrew before gaining control just in time!
    Looking at the exit from video taken from the top you see his left wing is curved the wrong way. I asked one of the jumpers on site witch way the wind was blowing at exit.... from the left! The jumper got wind on the top of his left wing prepearing for exit and when he jumped his right wing got presurised a splitsecond earlyer than his left (you can observe how his left wing is wrongly curved) The other jumper (two way) went out relative to the wind and turned a bit to the right but was flying! This may be important information for wingsuit exits in wind conditions coming from one side!!!
    I dont jump BASE/wingsuit myself (got some from airplane) but mention it anyway. what do you think Yuri?
    be carefull out there!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2

    RE: wingsuit exit

    Everyone who is jumping W/S from the cliff has to be aware of the wind, especially the side/cross wind.
    Basically I do not recommend to low experienced W/S jumpers to jump in that condition.
    To deal with the side wind on the exit might be complicated but also during the fly can be critical because it effects your flight pattern.

    The easiest way to solve the cross wind situation is :
    1. to be aware that you have this wind( often jumpers become aware of that after they jump)
    2. exit must be very well performed and balanced.
    3. shoulders and arms must be on level and horizontal right after the exit.
    4. also is good to follow the flight plan, in side wind conditions its mean that you should fly your body sideways in order to compensate the wind drifting.
    Best regards

  3. #3

    RE: wingsuit exit

    Yo !

    I have jumped in a strong crosswind before, including once at Smelveggen where i literally had to stand sideways and would never even consider jumping without a suit. It has never been a problem - the wind makes me scared but does not really affect the exit or the flight much. I can't recommend anything in particular - just the same exit as you would do without a wind works fine for me. A human body is really heavy to be blown around, unless you exit into a hurricane. I believe most effects here are mental. I have jumped a tower in a very strong tailwind, and found myself really scared on exit - thinking i would fly backwards relative to the air for a couple of seconds after exit. Next thing i know, i did a full 360 right after exit ;-) Had to go right back up and make another flight an hour later, and now with my head straightened up had a good exit and a nice flight.

    If you really worry about the wind, maybe keep your arms next to your body for a second or two after exit, then open up - your speed will be fast enough to pretty much ignore the wind.



  4. #4

    RE: wingsuit exit

    Nervousness plays a big part. Look at this exit, that's me second from the left.

    I had a similiar experience of curving to the left, it took a few seconds to sort it out. I was very scared for some reason. It was one of my first wingsuit exits.

    Look at Per Flare, furthest to the right, that's a more solid nervous proof exit.


  5. #5

    RE: wingsuit exit

    please repost link..thanks!

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: wingsuit exit

    Don't think the onHeading server allows use of it's image from another referer. It's the middle one on this page:

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