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Thread: Built in Turn ?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Built in Turn ?

    Hey all,

    I have about 12 - 15 jumps on my BirdMan Classic II. Most of my jumps have been two ways with a buddy who is learning as well. We try to work on proximity so we're not flying our suits all that fast.
    But when I try to really let the suit fly and go fast, I start turning to the right hard and it requires significant left leg input to go straight.
    Am I just learning to fly this thing or have some of you had your suits re-trimmed?

    thoughts ?

  2. #2

    RE: Built in Turn ?

    Hi Bob,
    If you suspect your wingsuit has a built in turn please send the suit to us for a testflight, we'll be happy to do it for you and check the suit out.

    Another thing you may want to consider is to relax your muscles a little when you fly, make many more flights with it and learn to fly without having to use so much tension. You say that it (your suit) turns when you "really try to go fast", there might be the whole problem?

    But like I said, we will be glad to testfly the suit and give and honest opinion what's up with it. You can send the suit with the note and as accurate description on the suits "behaviour" to:
    BirdMan Inc.
    1665 N. Lexington Ave Ste. 103
    DeLand, FL 32724

    TEL: +1 386 785 0800

    Best Regards,

  3. #3

    Flying straight

    I just needed to get a few more jumps on it. It's flying straight now. What a sensation when you finally hit the sweet spot and fly it!
    Thanks for the advice and the offer to test fly.


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