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Thread: "The LIST"

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  1. #1

    "The LIST"

    THE LIST . . .

    1999 saw more BASE fatalities than usual. Like most fatalities, a bit more judgement and a ltttle less bravado might have prevented some of these.

    Below is a worldwide list of BASE fatalities that we started keeping when we were publishing the Fixed Object Journal. This is not a complete list and may not be 100% accurate.

    It is reprinted here purely for it's *educational value*.

    I would appreciate any corrections or additions be e-mailed to me for updating.

    #1 Frank Donnellan, 1989.
    Building jump.
    London, England.
    Building strike.
    This is the first recorded "modern" BASE fatality.

    #2 Larry Jackson, 1982.
    Cliff jump.
    Black Canyon, CO., USA.
    Cliff strike.
    First United States BASE fatality.

    #3 Jimmy Tyler, BASE 13, 1982
    Cliff jump.
    Half Dome, Yosemite, CA USA.
    Cliff strike under canopy.
    This is the first Yosemite fatality. And the first holder of a BASE number to die BASE jumping.

    #4 Carl Boenish, BASE 4, 1984
    Cliff jump.
    Troll Wall, Norway.
    Cliff Strike in freefall.
    Carl Boenish is considered the "father" of modern BASE jumping.

    #5 Jeb Williams, 1986
    Antenna jump.
    Tennessee, USA.
    Total Malfunction.
    This jump brought to light the need for larger pilot chutes and longer bridles.

    #6 Marylin Ettma, 1986
    Cliff jump.
    New Zealand.
    Cliff strike.

    #7 Rick Stanley, 1987
    Bridge jump.
    New River Gorge, WV, USA.
    Had line over malfunction while not using the line mod. Made an uncontrolled decent into the New River. This jump did not occur on a Bridge Day.

    #8 Ray "Fossie Bear" Foster, 1987
    Cliff Jump.
    Troll Wall, Norway.
    Cliff Strike.
    Ray was an experienced skydiving making a first BASE jump.

    #9 Michael Gibbard, 1987
    Cliff Jump.
    Chedder Gorge, England.
    Total malfunction.

    #10 Steve Gyrsting, 1987
    Bridge jump.
    New River Gorge, WV, USA.
    Pilot chute in tow.
    Steve jumped a skydiving pilot chute and bridle and the pilot chute never inflated.

    #11 Marlen Buford, 1988
    Building jump.
    Miami, Fl, USA.
    Marlen impacted a rock wall under canopy. High winds were reported.

    #12 Mitch Reno, 1988
    Cliff Jump.
    Half Dome, Yosemite, CA, USA
    Over delayed, impacted the cliff talus with line stretch. This is the 2nd Yosemite fatality.

    #13 David Dunblazier, 1989
    Royal Gorge Bridge, Canyon City, CO, USA.
    Hit gorge wall with multiple line twists. It was reported this delay was done holding the pilot chute by it's base instead of folded. The top of the pilot chute inflated and pulled him over during deployment.

    #14 ##### Pedley, BASE 263, 1989
    Building jump.
    Century City, CA, USA.
    Building strike.

    #15 Jean-Marc Bovine, 1990
    Cliff jump.
    Angle Falls, Venezuela.
    Wall strike after a short delay.

    #16 Heron (first name?), 1990
    Bridge jump.
    Pilot chute in tow.
    Associates believe his bridle became lodged under the corner of his rig.

    #17 Bobbie Morris, JR., 1990
    Building jump.
    Mellon Bank Building, Phiadelphia, PA.
    Pilot chute in tow.

    #18 Darrin Newton, 1992
    Building jump.
    Hilton Hotel, London, England.
    Building strike.

    #19 Jonathan Bowlin, BASE 76, 1993
    Cliff jump.
    Arizona, USA.
    Canopy collision after a two way.

    #20 Joe Shaw, 1993
    Cliff jump.
    Bungonia Gorge, Australia.
    Cliff strike.

    #21 Susan Oatly, 1993
    Cliff jump.
    El Cap, Yosemite, CA, USA.
    Held a head high position and backslide into the wall after 8 seconds.


    #22 Theresa Tran, 1995
    Cliff jump.
    Riverside County, CA, USA.
    Total malfunction.

    #23 "Maggilla"
    Cliff jump.
    El Cap, Yosemite, CA, USA.
    Cliff strike.
    The 4th Yosemite Fatality.

    #24 Gary Dawson
    Cliff jump.
    New Zealand.
    Cliff Strike.

    #26 Jason Rooney
    Building jump.
    London, England
    Building strike

    #27 "?"
    Cliff jump.
    Lake Powell, USA
    Cliff strike.

    #28 Thor Alex, 1999
    Cliff Jump
    Cliff strike.
    Jumped into fog bank.

    That's it for now. (I know, that's enough). I'm working on the rest of it. It’s unfortunate, but there are quite a few names left to be added before this list is current.

    Another note: I also started to notice what I thought was a disproportional amount of deaths that occured outside the sport of BASE jumping. These include several plane and automoble crashes and several suicides. This too, is not a complete list.

    Mike Allen, BASE 163, auto accident.
    Alf Humphries, suicide.(After a BASE jump that left him severly disabled).
    John Carter BASE 118, plane crash.
    Brad "Banzai" Buffington, suicide
    Brad Smith, BASE 8, suicide.
    Mark Sechler, BASE 34, skydiving.
    Rick Shillabeer, BASE 43, natural causes.
    Mike Perron, BASE 5, plane crash.
    Levi Green, BASE 51, skydiving.
    Jim Dias, BASE 67, Cancer.
    Andrew Thorton, BASE 78, skydiving.
    "Dead" Steve Morrel, BASE 174, skydiving.
    Manual Gonzales, BASE 203, skydiving.
    Shane Revitt, BASE 235, climbing.
    Frank Gambalie, (Not sure where to put this one, Frank was chased after landing and was drowned trying to escape).

    Remember, the only reason this is being published is to make you think . . .

    Please be carful,
    Nick Di Giovanni, BASE 194

    "As soon as there is life, there is danger."
    . . .Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. #2

    the list

    Thanks for the informative list of fatalities. It is thought provoking.
    BTW Frank was pushed

  3. #3


    I have had a lot of contact with NPS law enforcement officers in Yosemite and Zion. I consider myself to be an expert on them, especially their out of line actions. We have frolicked through the woods and on the talus slopes on many occasions and I have been hasseled and pushed around by the NAZI RANGERS. However, I do not believe that Frank was pushed into the Merced river by the rangers. He just did not have an iron-clad escape plan and it was early in the season to be landing in El Cap meadow because you are pinned in by a very cold and powerful river if they give chase. Jumping in the parks without getting arrested requires better than military precision, careful planning and exceptional physical and mental skills coupled with a specially trained ground crew, a sizable investment in equipment and a thorough knowledge of how the rangers think and work. They are really pissed at us and they are making every effort to nail us. BEWARE !

  4. #4

    Thanks Nick,

    Thanks Nick to post "The List" on this board. Yes, it's really helpful to know about tragic accidents in BASE, cuz one can learn from that-and this is the most important thing to make out of such a situation. I hope that it is updated soon and pray that it will never ever be updated..


  5. #5

    The rangers and Frank Gambalie

    As Frank's mother, I would like to know exactly what you are trying to say about my son and the way he died. No, he was not pushed into the Merced River, but he also should not have had to pick between the rangers and the river. Yes, the rangers are pissed at BASE jumpers, and yes, the rangers are using an informant, so beware and be careful, because there is no such thing as an "iron clad" escape plan.

  6. #6

    Thanks Everybody . . .

    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-99 AT 11:16&nbsp;AM (EST)</font></center>

    A weekend has passed since I posted "The List."

    This morning our mailbox is stuffed with corrections, clarifications and unfortunately some additions.

    I just want to say thank you to all who took the time. I'll add it all, and re-publish the list soon. I'll also put it on a web page for future reference.

    A note to Mrs. Gambalie,

    From what I've been able to gather the consensus of BASE jumpers I've talked with is that Frank felt compelled to escape due to the prevailing circumstances caused by selective and unfair law enforcement.

    All that aside, no one will be able to fully understand your pain in losing a son. A son, who's only crime was parachuting.

    If anyone would like to dedicate this years Bridge Day to the memory of Frank Gambalie we would be the first to chip in money for a big banner.

    Me personally, I want the Rangers and the media to remember Frank’s name.

    Nick Di Giovanni

  7. #7

    Frank was pushed?

    Sorry to stir up the hornets nest!!
    It was an old joke with T shirts printed up about Frank DONNELLEN having been pushed. He jumped off a building in downtown London during lunch hour. He had called the media and there was quite a crowd. The way I heard it from Nigle Slee and Andy Guest (British base #1 and #2)is that he left a pull up cord in and...

  8. #8



    Being relatively new to the sport, I find this list educational. I know you have invested a lot of time to provide this service. I don't mean to complain. I think maybe including the gear being used would all that more informative. Maybe that info. isn't known. Anyway, just trying to make a suggestion for the sake of higher awareness. Thanks for your efforts!

  9. #9

    Bridge Day Banner

    I would like to donate the banner. email me

  10. #10

    Banner for Frank

    Hello Kevin,

    E-mailing you through the board didn't work.

    I'm at


  11. #11

    BD Banner

    Nick, if you can't get me at galaxy@ you can contact me through Skyive Space Center. Ask for Mali or Josh or Mary. Times running out.

  12. #12

    BD Banner

    Nick, home ph. is (407)880-1608 Kevin Quinn

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: "The LIST"

    Should I pin this topic?
    Also, COuld Nick Update this topic as well?

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Re: "The LIST"

    Quote Originally Posted by mknutson
    Also, COuld Nick Update this topic as well?
    Nick keeps the list updated at

  15. #15

    Re: "The LIST"


    I would like to bring a small correction. It concerns the spelling of the french alpinist who died at Angel Falls in 1989: his name is Jean-Marc Boivin.


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