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Thread: NPS will pay

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  1. #1

    NPS will pay

    Get real. Isn't about time we start taking some responibility! It's embarassing the amount of blame some people are trying to put off on someone else. One message was clear and concise-let's start acting responsible lets lobby get public support and show them this is a legitimate sport. We are here to stay. Name calling and rhetoric and "poety" are not going to solve anything. Let's face it ...bottom line is what we do is illegal in many places. If you want help legitimizing the sport count me in!! If you want to blame everyone else and start a name calling match go watch Jerry Springer!! Everyone takes him serious, right?

  2. #2

    Get Real???? How about: Get With The Program!

    Sort of a naive sort, aintcha? Your heart's in the right place, young
    feller, but the only things these yahoos understand is force (see Earl
    Redfern's piece "what can I do to help?" wherein he outlines the
    "reasonable" approach he and others took for so many years that was pathetically
    ineffective. It was merely a delaying action and the petitioners were not taken seriously because there was no force behind them to "make the NPS pay."

    That has now changed. Frank Gambalie III is not rhetoric, young feller; he is dead -- dead because of NPS policies promulgated by a pervert whose lead is still followed today. The only name I called out were the right ones and as Lao-Tzu said, to solve a problem, we must first call things by their right names.

    Dennis McGlynn's jail cell is not rhetoric: it's the real deal. He is imprisoned against his will by people with guns who will kill him if he tries to escape.

    Meanwhile, the Nazi punks who ran Frank to his death are still walking free "enforcing the law."

    Get real? Frank and Riccarda's son is DEAD. How much more real does it have to be for you, young feller? You need gunfights and bombs? Maybe some sabotaged rigs? A bigger body count?

    Until you understand that we are talking brute force here - guns in your
    face, locked in jail and your stuff stolen by jack-booted thugs, you
    have no prayer of even understanding this problem, much less solving it.

    So my advice to you young feller this: Great Spirit gave us two ears, two eyes and one mouth so we could listen and watch four times more than we talk, and you probably ought to take a couple of basic political science courses before you start making pronouncements on this subject again.

    You also have a few things to learn about music: That "poety" was the reworked lyrics of a Willie Nelson song, "Mamas, don't let your children grow up to be cowboys..."



  3. #3


    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-99 AT 03:29&nbsp;AM (EST)</font></center>

    Hey 44, whazzz up? Actually, Daniel makes a good point. Earl also made a good point and your point about the permitting was dead on.

    Set aside anything not BASE related and it sounds like to me that the goal is the same! If we set aside the extremities of our opinion and hit a medium, it would be one hell of a potent combo.
    As the fight for freedom continually grows we must focus on the goal.

    If we are all together on this, we will know in which direction we can shift a little weight.


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