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Thread: Happy New Year Federal political prisoner Dennis McGlynn

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  1. #1

    Happy New Year Federal political prisoner Dennis McGlynn

    Happy New Year, Dennis. You only have a few more days before you can breathe free air again. As for those oxygen thieves who put you there, well, all I can say is: They will never breathe free because they are prisoners of their police state minds.

    The Nazi Punk Service will no doubt continue its taste for totalitarian solutions into the new milllennium, and yes, I count all those decent human beings among the rangers at Yosemite as Nazi Punks too because they are doing the devil's work.

    You "gentlemen" can make all the excuses you want about just doing your jobs and enforcing the law and all that, but in so doing you cede your soul to the soulless, faceless bureaucracy you serve. Thoreau wrote about this in "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" and you all ought to read it so that you will perhaps realize just how far your heads are stuck up your bureaucratic butts.

    Ranger boys, if you really are the moral, conscientious human beings you think you are and claim to be, then stop enforcing these sick laws. Stop the stakeouts, stop the chases, find something more important to do than chase BASE jumpers and cultivate informants when the "open canopies" calls come in (Hey, do you have an informant network to catch people illegally feeding the wildlife? How about litterbugs? Maybe you can divert the SAR narcs to those infinitely more worthy tasks...).

    You KNOW the jihad against BASE jumpers is wrong, unfair, discriminatory and essentially evil. YOU KNOW that jihad killed Frank Gambalie Jr. and Jan Davis just as surely as if you'd put your government-issued pistols to their heads and pulled the triggers.

    And YOU KNOW that charging the other jumpers for Jan's body recovery is akin to the Chinese communist bastards charging the family of an executed loved one with the cost of the bullet used to kill him (I'm surprised they don't also charge an amortized fee for the wear and tear on the barrel, firing pin and brass...)

    Dennis spent his Thanksgiving, birthday, Christmas and millennium new year in PRISON because not one of you supposedly decent human being rangers had the moral courage to speak out or act on the injustice perpetrated on him and PERPETUATED BY YOU and your utter abandonment of any moral conduct by hiding behind your corrupt bureaucracy.

    And if you think this is over, think again, because if you think June 9, 1999 and October 22, 1999 were a problem for you this year, you better start thinking about what's going to happen on those days in the year 2000.

    The rage you engendered by killing Frank and Jan is still out there and it is GROWING and if you are NOT willing to begin acting morally, if you plan to persist in being soulless minions of the Nazi Punk Service, then you better tighten up your jackboots because you're going to be putting a lot of miles on them.

    Happy New Year, Dennis.

  2. #2


    Great rant Dennis! You can exhale now...

  3. #3


    can exhale now - Dennis will inhale soon.

  4. #4


    Yeah, what he said....

  5. #5


    Dennis didn't write this.
    It was written TO Dennis by BASE 44.
    Surprised you don't recognize the writing style.

  6. #6


    You, sir, are a tiresome bore. Why don't you give it up and save the bandwidth for something productive!

  7. #7

    More people than you can imagine

    If you think what he says is boring and tiresome, you must be a NPS or government dude yourself

  8. #8


    The Frank Gambalie that perished in Yosemite is Frank Gambalie III.
    His father, who is alive and well is Frank Gambalie Junior.
    His grandfather, who is also alive and well is Frank Gambalie Senior. It is a common mistake.
    On January 9th, Frank Gambalie III will have been gone for 7 months. We, his family and his friends, miss him very, very much, our lives will never be the same without him. Peace, my son.

  9. #9

    Ooops, sorry, Ricci

    Jeez, I can't believe I missed that one. I _know_ it's Frank G. III... I just had some brain gas... I missed it even when I proofed it.

  10. #10


    First and foremost, Robin is one of _US_. Next, he has a gift for words. Finally, he plays an important role which no other person has stepped forward to play.

    Collectively, we BASE jumpers have a duty to support each other if we are to EVER go about our sport in peace. Among any group, you will find those who are silent, those who are passive supporters, those who are active supporters, and those who are quite vocal. This is simply the way things are; accept it or be forever stressed by it  your choice. But don't express your dissatisfaction publicly; that hurts _US_ more than Robin's words ever could. Send Robin a private email asking him to back off if you're unhappy with something he's said.

    Robin is an excellent writer. He expresses himself with clarity and cohesion. Personally, I think his compositions are some of the best I have ever read. He states his point, supports it with facts, underscores and spices it with history, and draws it all together with apparent ease. I would rather have him speak for me than anyone else I have run across in my lifetime.

    Robin is the great protagonist. While I cannot say that I completely agree, on every point, with his style of politickin, Id rather have him fighting for me than anyone else. He makes excellent points, hes not afraid to hit hard and he keeps on running. These are all qualities that are necessary in the long haul if one ever hopes to effect change. He does something few others can do: he has the ability to make the reader stop and think. He has the ability to cause people to re-evaluate their own position; their own beliefs. If he pisses you off sometimes, then good. He ought to. Its part of his mastery. If he cant get a rise out of you then hes not doing his job. His skills are an extremely important asset to our cause (or any cause he happens to be fighting for); be cautious of discarding or discounting them so quickly.

    I am proud to have Robin among us; I support Robin all the way!

    With Pleasure,

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