I thought that someone who was at the Moab Meeting would have brought this up for me but....
Harry Parker has named me (Mick Knutson) the new President of the CJAA.
What does this mean to America?
I plan to get the wheels moving in america again.
I will be posting a Corporate initiative here shortly. I will also be mailing this document to all CJAA members via snail mail.
My main goals are as follows:
* Hold a vote to revitalize the Board of Directors.
* Review and release an official License program.
* Review and release an official Site rating system.
* Begin work on an official "First Jump Coarse" minimum requirements.
* Work with the BLM, State and Local official to manage contunued access.
* Put increased pressure on the NPS to listen to the BASE community and give us access.
These are just a few key points I will be attacking in the next 6 months.
I am planning on having the newly ellected BOD in place withing the next 2 months....So....
If you are interested in joing the CJAA BOD, please start gathering a paragraph on your quailification and background. THis will be used to send out ballots to ALL CJAA members for a vote.
For those of you who are international, Please e-mail me and I can give you information about how the standards being set in the USA, can also help your safety and access efforts world-wide.
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
"Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."